French Revolution Blog Post #1

You have each been reborn into French society in the 1700s.  You are a peasant, urban worker, bourgeoisie, noble, clergy, or the King and Queen. 

Respond as one of the following based on your last name:

Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D)
Bourgeoisie (E - H)
Noble (I - L)
Clergy (M - P)
Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T) 
King Louis XVI (U - Z)

Respond in the voice of your new role.  What are your hopes for France?  What is your opinion of Enlightenment ideas?  What would you like to change and what would you like to stay the same.  Why and why not?  (This should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs)

You must also reply to the post of at least ONE other person by telling them if you agree or disagree with their view for the future of France and why (Remember you are speaking in your character).  (This must be a minimum of 1 paragraph - don't just agree or disagree - JUSTIFY!)

Please sign your post – Role/Name, i.e. Noble/Jeanine Roser 

All posts, including your response must be done by 10pm on  Tuesday, 1-21.


  1. As Queen Marie Antoinette, I personally have very high hopes for the great country of France in the modern era of Enlightenment. I view this cultural shift as an opportunity to expand our interregional connections and create alliances with our previous enemies. I hope that France advances their position in the world through this major Western change, and further establish ourselves as a prominent global power. On the concepts of Enlightenment, I find that these new ideals are promoting a new sense of modernity across the West and allowing Europe to strengthen their political, technological, economical, and social aspects of society.
    Regarding the changes associated with the Enlightenment, I believe that France should implement a new perspective on outside influences. By creating stronger alliances and increasing communications with various regions, our country could benefit in military power and expand our reach. Making a shift in promoting Enlightenment concepts could also secure our position as a prominent influence of technological and societal advancements. With this being said, it is vital for the high-class and royal to maintain their supreme positions. With the wealthy’s encouragement of extravagance, we could promote new cultural concepts of the Enlightenment. With this, I believe France could benefit from maintaining their high position in society.

    Marie Antoinette/Camille Simmons

    1. The clergy does not agree with the empires shift towards following the teachings of the Enlightenment because it has done nothing but misguided and corrupt. The "age of reason" has convinced people that questioning God's guidance and changing the church's practices will cure their loss of faith, when in reality it will only condemn them. This so called move towards cultural introduction and the promotion of global unity is false because the use of questioning basic societal standards breaks people apart, and makes people argue against one another over their new beliefs. Arguing with the church and the clergy that guides them causes nothing but conflict amongst our world, and puts a barrier between mutual understanding and acceptance towards God’s teachings. The clergy has done nothing but provide basic services of good faith to people that need it, and these reforms that they are pushing are making changes that make it more difficult to steer people in the right direction. The Enlightenment should be condemned because it is a corrupt way of thinking.

      Clergy/Alayna McGuire Period 4

    2. The French middle class (Bourgeoisie) disagrees with your statement regarding the high-class and royals maintaining their current positions. I personally, and as a whole, disagree because the upper/middle class owns most of the currency in France, and contains some of the most influential and important people that French society has to offer. Doctors, lawyers, and other highly trained and wealthy professionals are denied the best positions in France because the highest positions are reserves for nobles, despite many of the 3rd class citizens being better trained in the profession. Not only is my class denied the high positions, but we are also denied a right to have a voice in the government because you want to maintain the power for yourself. You may think that the group of people with the highest amount of currency would have a voice, and yet we do not unless we purchase it. By continuing with your extravagant lifestyle I do not believe that any good will come of it, least of all new cultural concepts regarding the Enlightenment. Therefore I do not believe that your last statement will do any good for the benefit of France, and I disagree with your vision of the future.

      Bourgeoisie/Sophie Gray

    3. Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

      As Queen Marie Antoinette of France I disagree that Enlightenment ideals are helping France develop and improve. This is because they work to undermine the power of the crown and thus work to actually weaken the crown. Along with this, it would work to ruin the social hierarchy and the social status of the elite who play a crucial role in France both in terms of societal structure but economy and governing. I would also like to point out that as queen one of the most important things to me is protecting the culture of France and its history. This includes things such as showing power and luxury, which in history was done by the building of structures such as the Palace of Versailles, and in the future will be hard to do after the implementation and further spread of Enlightenment ideals and the changes, especially in the case of governing, that these ideals will bring to our currently unified and soon to be thriving nation of France.

      Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

    4. As your husband and King of France, I agree with your message. However, such relations are hard yo establish without gifts and influence. Both of which we are running rather low on, given our recent aid to america and the poor harvest. Additionally, we only have so much luxury that we can provide to our nobles, so that I may keep a closer eye on them.

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  3. The Clergy

    In the future of France, we the clergy ask to continue with the roles that we have now. I believe that our services to the poor and the church are a good enough contribution to the government. We provide peasants with protection and help in managing their educational system, censoring inappropriate books and artistic expression that go against God’s holy breath. It is in our best interest and theirs to continue forward with this structure. Much like how we are apart of the First Estate, and are in charge of the court, making it important to continue the no taxation of the clergy policy. Making us pay no taxes makes us feel as though the government is treating us fairly, and that the money we earn is put towards a good cause. For example, the land that we own allows us to support the church through taxation, giving 10% of our income to the church. This contribution I believe is a good enough contribution to the state because it is important to allow the church to be able to continue its practices, as to please God. Following the will of God is an important aspect of society because it gives people the opportunity to be given passage to heaven. Continuing the payment made to the First Estate is valuable in maintaining a strong church and giving us the chance to continue our services to the poor. These payments include the annual income of 2 million dollars to the cardinals, and the $150 a year that parish priest’s make that they also use to put towards the church.

    Some things that we would like to change would be that the state should decrease the amount of taxes that are devoted solely to the monarchs of our empire. This is because they are frivolously spending our money on luxurious things that we don’t need. Decreasing the amount of spending that King Louis XIV and Maria Antoinette are using towards parties and celebrations would allow a better distribution to the Third and Second Estates, increasing the equal amount of taxes and money given to society to allow the peasants a better chance at avoiding starvation, and being able to feed their families. This will increase their quality of life because they would most likely have enough money to feed themselves and their family, and to also spend their wealth on things that they could enjoy. Overall, this shift in income will benefit the current state of our empires economy, and please the outraged peasants. Moving towards this direction will inevitably solve our empires economic problems because it will move our empire towards a more economically stable direction. Another way that we could improve our economy would be that we should increase our trade networks with empires that have valuable things to exchange because it will boost our economy enough to improve the lifestyle of all that live in France. Our thoughts on the Enlightenment are that it should be removed from our society. This so called “age of reason” has done nothing but target the church for our humble services, and steer people away from the right path of life. It has done nothing but put people against the teachings of God’s word, and teaches people that they should question his guidance. These reforms that they have attempted to enforce upon the church’s practices and their involvement in state are inexcusable, in regards to how we have done nothing but to solely to help spread the word. So it is in our best interest and the churches that we the clergy condemn the Enlightenment as it does nothing but corrupt.

    Clergy/Alayna McGuire Period 4

    1. As a member of the bourgeoisie, I agree with decreasing the amount of taxation within the third estate along with spending those said taxes less on parties. Despite this, I believe that the clergy role should be taxed more, though it decreases your quality of life it allows the pressure of taxes to not be so reliant on the third estate. In addition to this, it’s unfair that us bourgeois members (consisting of doctors, bankers, etc.) have to be taxed when we also provide important services to French civilians. If anything, why can’t the clergy also be incorporated into the third estate as well? Nonetheless, the future of France should incorporate taxation in an evenly spread amount (if not more towards the first estate) among all estates to help with France’s debt.

      Bourgeoisie / Rochelle Espino

    2. As one of the many peasants living in the French empire, I completely agree with your ideas. The church should continue to protect the people and provide public services for us, considering that most of us can’t even afford to live normal lives. The church used to have full control over society, which maintained peace and prosperity for the longest time. Now, the corrupt monarchy has more power than the church, which has only brought problems for us peasants. The Enlightenment era is a curse on French society and only serves to drive us apart from each other, making the nobility richer and the peasantry poorer. We are straying away from God’s word and more towards new intellectual thinking, which must be stopped if we want to continue to go to heaven and live in peace.

      Peasant/Urban Workers - Ashton Chang

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    4. As Queen Marie Antoinette of France, I disagree with decreasing the amount of taxes that are being given to the peasants in France. This is because we are not only using the taxes for parties and for our own good. The money is also being used to improve the political and economic systems that we are using in France. I think that it is important to be taxing the peasants because this shows that they are helping to improve their country overall. Also, I agree with removing the enlightenment because it is not only affecting the church but it is also affecting me and the government because of the impact that it can make to France. Making it more negative aspects than positive and my goal for France is to make it the best that it can be and have lots of power.

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  5. As a Bourgeoisie of France, a member of the upper-middle class, I feel that the most important step in determining my hopes for the future of France and the changes that I desire is to first define the problem. I own a factory, where we manufacturer goods, mostly luxurious, some not, I struggle to do any trade with nearby regions. I find it absurd that transportation to each region can sometimes double the price of each item, by the time it gets to its destination the prices are often unaffordable! I also struggle with the fact that the Bourgeoisie of France own most of the money, it just happens to be spread out. Because we as a middle class own so much of the currency, should we not be given a strong voice in the government? I hope that in the future there will be a voice for the middle class, although only the middle class, as the peasants do not deserve such a strong voice. The last large problem which I struggle to understand is why the Bourgeoisie are grouped into the Third Estate? Given the amount of wealth we possess, as well as land, I wish we were separated from the same class as the peasants. This grouping also prevents us from a voice in the government, which if remedied would satisfy many of us. Despite these many problems, I still agree that the peasants (or the lower 3rd class) do not deserve the same rights as the upper-middle, I feel that in order to benefit my class only we and other fairly wealthy people should be able to vote and receive the highest positions. The peasants may make it more difficult for us to prosper as they are competition. They also own no land, and very little money, so they should not have as large a voice in the government as the middle class, although I welcome their support and agree that they should have some voice.
    My personal opinion of Enlightenment ideas is generally positive. I wish to leave the old ways behind, and the Enlightenment challenges the ideas of the government, including the amount of power a monarch should have, and the involvement of the people in making decisions that would impact them. I also believe in challenging the ideas of monarchs having the right to rule, and I agree with limiting their power because I do not believe that they deserve to make whatever choices they feel will benefit them, although my fellow Bourgeoisie who benefit from tax collection may disagree. My last thought regarding the Enlightenment ideas is that I agree with separating churches from the government, religious figures often have so much power, and I hope that in the future this will be separated from the governmental decisions. Sometimes it appears as if anyone associated with the church is exempt from taxes, even though I too often avoid paying them.
    In conclusion, I hope that in the future of France the Bourgeoisie will have a voice in the government, without having to buy it. I hope that we have an equal chance of receiving the best positions in the country because we had to work for our positions, and we worked hard. For the reasons stated above, I agree with the French Enlightenment ideals because I feel that they will better my life, and possibly even the lives of the lower 3rd estate. However, I do still hope that while the middle class may rise, the peasants continue to be at the bottom and to have a smaller voice in the government, after all, no society can be totally equal.

    Bourgeoisie/Sophie Gray

    1. Firstly, I must agree with you on the matter of social class. Such dignified and higher citizens such as you Bourgeoisie do not deserve the utter disgrace followed along by the "rest" of the third estate. Secondly, I must thank you for your production of the products that run this state. Without your participation within in the economy, would we function as able as we are now? Of course, we would not be able to. I felt that I must perquisite my following comments referring to your point of view in order to avoid further conflict.

      Simply put, the French government's line of reasoning for absolutism in the hands of King Louis XVI, no matter his aptitude and ability, stems from the divine right given authority over all in France since Philip II. To change this divine right would be to change the very nature of royal power within France as you have stated as a desire for outward change. Do we not take pride in the religion that had brought our people together and fortified under one leader? If not, do we deserve the rights of the land and wealth we do posses? The answer ,itself written simply, is "no."

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  8. As France becomes more settled within the 1700s of European history, I have ever rising hopes for the state and empire of France in the forms of efforts in allegiance work and peasant work. For both the well-being of both my own people and the French, I wish that the alliance betwixt Austria and France bears a fruitful relationship. Oh how unfortunate the circumstances would be if a war were to strike between my home country and France, it pains me to even ponder the circumstance of which it would be brought out under. Perhaps Austria would come at a time of need to our people as a whole, battling the forces which tend to undermine our power and cause a restitution. As queen of France alongside King Louis XVI, I will try to improve the well-being of the French through my own manner of recreation. Entertaining the nobles, for example, is one such duty I must duly attend to, for they hold a major position of the three estates present with France. For this, I hope that the peasants of France provide their utmost products to the royals, nobles, and as well as the church. A comfortable manner is one I wish to live in France.

    Since our marriage and crowning, our authority and rule has been challenged with a number of new "Enlightenment" principles but to a hopeful fruitless attempt in itself. The royals of France were ordained in such a way by God himself in order to rule over all within his territory. The visions of “Enlightenment” merely have sought to and continue to denounce this sacred right of both King Louis XVI and I, to which I would state to be treasonous. In fact, these views have long battled against our very church itself, the very force that supports this country along with its governing powers and expansion. Without this supreme and heavenly power’s presence within France, surely chaos would likely erupt in the form of tyranny from powers corrupt and evil. For it’s very presence, all the people of France, including King Louis XVI and I, owe a great deal to the church save for the few unfortunate souls meager enough to oppose it. For the future of France, I do hope that the Divine Right of Royals remains forevermore.

    Queen Marie Antionette/ Dylan Que

    1. Not only have you and your husband been constantly trying to control us nobles, but I disagree with your denouncing of some of Enlightenment's ideals. Us nobles should be allowed to own our own land and have our own affairs WITHOUT your influence. If you let the nobles and important figures from the Third Estate, like doctors and merchants, do what they'd like, the economy would be allowed to work on it's own and flourish. The noble life style needs to be preserved, so we should take land and tax from both the peasants and the Clergy, this would allow for a more cultured society that could succeed on it's own. Not only this, but your oppressive rule has directly caused civil conflict and figures such as Robespierre to cause extreme violence and radicalism.

      Noble/ Elijah Kennard

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  12. Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

    My name is Queen Marie Antoinette and I have many extremely ambitious aspirations for France including a more stable and equipped population which can be successfuly developed through the spread of more luxury especially to the crown in terms of lifestyle and lavish parties. This is because the crown represents the country and by showing more power and success internally, we shape external views. If the power of the country leads a more extravagent lifestyle, there is more respect given by both the people and other nations which would help to strengthen France. In my opinion, Enlightenment ideals and those who spread them represent weak character and show unloyalty to the monarchy. They are only working against France in terms of unity and peace. Along with this, the westernization that is brought with the very foundation of these ideas is working to destroy the highly valued and cherished traditional culture of France.This culture lays the very foundation of what France is and represents which includes the power of the king and queen. Part of our culture lies in the show of our wealth, like the building of the garden and palace of Versailles by former leaders who helped develop France to be as unified as it is today, which is an aspect of our nation that can easily be maintained through the disposal of Enlightenment ideas and continuation of traditional systems such as that of our main government system. I believe that France has a lot of hope if we continue with our absolute monarchy and further surpress rebellions and citizen uprisings such as those that are bringing forth popularity for Enlightenment ideas and the importance of it can be seen in the actions of many significant people. Although not all understand my need and the realistic importance of luxury, such as French aristocrats and nobles, and dislike my heritage of Austria they understand tha tas queen I only want what is best for my country and my people which I show through extravagance and being proud of my background. Due to this, they know better than to work against me, which is something less educated public citizens don't understand leading by the misunderstanding that are being further fueled by the spread of Enlightenment.

    Some more isolation in terms of spread of these ideals is also something I consider crucial for maintenance of France’s desired future. In order to act on this, I believe new military changes should be made to help keep the public in check and to help external relations such as those with Austria which are more easily improved through my familial connection and, although some disliked me for where I came from before, it became clearly visisble for people such as the French nobles, including my husbands brother to understand the importance of foreign connections, especially personal foreign connections. Lastly, Westernization should be utilized in a more benifical sense. Instead of taking from it ideas that are working to completely change French culture, technology should be used to help France develop and and ideas of luxury should be gotten to show our advancements as a powerful and unified nation. By proving our status in the world as an international power, so many possibilities will become available to France and all that is needed for this is to keep our economy going which can only be done by the participation of our citizens in paying taxes and cooperating and supporting their leaders such as me, Queen Marie Antoinette.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

    1. As a peasant, I disagree with your way of improving France. The crown does symbolize power, however, the lavish luxuries your class is spending on jewels is taking away human lives in ours. A country with all the riches in the world cannot be the most dominant without having a united nation. Showing more power also does not always mean more respect. For an example, we as peasants are starting to revolt/rebel and the nation is becoming more divided. Our peasant class is still suffering under your “improvements”. Nonetheless, culture is not the main issue and it is our economy that is failing us. With the national debt and our current labor/societal system, the issue is not being solved. Giving us harsher taxes for more money is weakening our economy and leading France to its downfall. Therefore, your monarchy should not stay the same like you are claiming. It will not get us anywhere and it is just ignoring the big issue. Us peasants need to be heard!

      Peasant/ Irene Cho

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  14. As a bourgeoisie member I’d like to say that the state of France is pathetic! For those who are in the third estate (such as myself), we are treated unfairly, we are constantly being taxed in order to support the crippling debt that King Louis XIV and that Austrian ninny, Marie Antoinette, had used for themselves. Due to their frequent luxurious parties being thrown, the war we went through to help Britain, and lack of taxation on the first and second estate we had to carry practically all of France on our shoulders. Though I’m in the higher ranks of the third estate we are taxed despite the majority of us being doctors, bankers, and factory owners. Don’t our services provide more if not as much benefit to our society as the nobles and clergy do? Frankly, I don’t understand why we’re taxed so much when we provide similar services as the second estate does. My personal opinion on enlightenment ideals are that they are vital to improving France as a whole. Not only do they question our poor government, but they also assist with revolutionizing our society to put governmental decisions in the hands of the people. I hope that France allows the third estate to offer more input on laws and decisions made that directly affect all people!

    As for the changes in France, I’d like to say that we have to get rid of feudalism. Feudalism had been the root of all evils, factors such as manipulation and over-taxation had been a sorry sight to others in the third estate. Again, despite my slightly more well-off occupation, our lack of rights and input in the government has been stressing in my daily life. Not only that, but we should abolish the roles of the absolute monarchy. Us third estate civilians should limit the power of King Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette and make them live among us. They need to understand the pain and starvation that we’ve been seeing every single day due to the debt that they had created. Us third estate civilians, more than anything, wish for a say in the governmental decisions and laws.

    Bourgeoisie / Rochelle Espino

    1. As the king, I think it's very important for you to know that the clergy is vital in educating you lower third estates. Had it not been for them, I doubt you could have even written that blog. On top of that, the church also distributes food and sanitation services to you third class folk.

    2. I agree with your points, especially with the third estate's lack of involvement in government politics. Often the first estate chooses what happens to us in the third estate without so much as a discussion and what we think about it. It's almost as though we are simply cows to milk of all our work and then to be rid of once our usefulness ends. France should be more fair and not always be in favor of those in the first estate.

    3. I, Queen Marie Antoinette (the ninny), disagree with your statement strongly. The French empire has great potential as a global power, and it is up to every member of society to play their role in sustaining our state. High class officials are crucial to advancing France in the wider scheme of the world, just as lower class citizens (such as members of the bourgeoisie and peasants) are to support our fine country from the bottom up. It is with this that taxation must be accepted as a natural sacrifice for the greater good of our state in its entirety.

    4. As the noble of France, I am shocked that you third estates believe that you guys provide the same services that the nobles do. I completely disagree with that. The second estate does much more as we provided our precious land for the peasants to work on and supply food for many important figures in our state such as the clergies and the government. We also provide protection from outside threats which could completely ruin your houses and tear apart families if it wasn't for us. You guys should be thankful for our role rather than complaining about the higher estates when we do our best to provide everything for you third estates.


      As a peasant, I can personally agree with all of the statements that you are making. The third estate is lacking their role in the government. Peasants lack the representation that they need in order to be heard by the French government. We don’t even get a majority of the vote when we are trying to establish the means of government. The first estate always gets a say in what they would like and it’s not fair. Their money and status shouldn’t be able to determine what's right for society. In all honesty, money does not match up to the power of good decision making and by joining everyone together, it could benefit France. By joining everyone together and treating them equally, the government and society can improve substantially.

      Peasant /Urban Worker -- Wintana Araya


  15. As king Luis the 16th, I am rather disappointed in France as a whole. Our country was left rather poorly off after we extended aid to the american colonists in their efforts to free themselves from the British pigs. Naturally, in this state of financial hardship, France needed to more strictly enforce its taxes. However, when called to a meeting on how to move France through this hardship, the 3rd estate behaved wildly and without reason. Because of this, I was forced to lock the doors to the public forum. However, after this, the people had the audacity to (in direct defiance of the crown) met in one of my old tennis courts and make their own 'Declaration of Man and Citizen' This new age of enlightenment is leading people astray from the righteous path of allow those with divine right (me) to be the one to rule. I fear that this new age is causing people to lose their heads.

    The chaos doesn't end there though. The people have chosen to begin a revolution, in which they attacked one of my military bases and are refusing to pay taxes. After this, the savage third estate broke into my palace and forced my wife and I to live in Paris rather than in my palace of Versailles. Shortly after that, since my wife is Dutch, the Dutch proclaimed war on France. Seeing this as my chance, Marie and I will be trying to escape tonight. Hopefully it goes well.

    -Donovan Ward/King Louis XVI

  16. Hello, I am a peasant. Truly, I love my country, I really do, but France has very much disappointed me time and time again and it never really tries to change anything. I would hope for King Louis XIV and Queen Marie Antoinette to care more about the working population of France, as it is the majority of the population. Their lavish parties aren’t exactly helping the economy, peasants aren’t even invited to the parties. My hope for France is that we, the third estate, can live better and be less heavily taxed so we can feel more motivated to work. It seems quite unfair that the nobility/those in the first estate don’t get taxed, even when there is a need for taxes to increase because of France’s debt. I’d also rather that we can actually voice our opinions and that they matter, during conferences, the people’s voices are only counted as one rather than by head. We provide the crops and food of the nation, yet that food is taken from us and not distributed evenly to make sure that many are not starving as they are now.

    Personally, I am very fond of these enlightenment ideas and believe that they could truly make our country a better place than it is now. It seems about time that we let go of God and him deciding everything for us and make the people themselves decide. If God and divine right is just and true, why are the people of France deciding to go with the Revolution rather than against it? These ideas could take us to a happier France in which my family is not dying and starving as we speak.

    Peasant / Urban Worker // Brandy Arriaga

    1. You could you say this???? Your ideas are wrong and corrupted by the Enlightenment ideas of the foreigners! You're doing exactly what they want you to do!

      You must understand. France is going through difficult times, and as a government, we are (totally) doing everything we can possibly do to support everyone in France! We must push through these tough times, and nature will return once more and nourish us with food. You, as a peasant, need to work harder for this country. What happened to the unity you once showed, and the love you once had for the nobility? You cannot let these outside "Enlightenment" influences corrupt you.

      As France is crumbling due to (totally) natural means, you must do your absolute best work. It is people like you, who challenge the ideas of the nobility, that lead to the downfall of entire nations. You wouldn't want France to collapse, would you? Do not let these incorrect enlightenment ideas turn you against the nobility.

  17. As a peasant, I desperately hope for change within France. The current state and structure of France is completely corrupt. Three-fourths of the french population are peasants which means that three-fourths of the population is suffering from poverty, low income, and even unemployment. We are forced to do hard labor, which is supposed to support our families. We are construction workers, servers, street sellers, and even some of us are unemployed. However, despite all the hard work we put in, it does not even support us. Instead, our incredibly difficult work carries the first and second estate. And as for the people who are unemployed, they have turned to crime like stealing, which ultimately is hurting France’s economy as a whole. On top of our unstable lifestyle, we are constantly taxed. We are required to pay land taxes, poll taxes, and tithes to the Church. We are the most unstable and poorest class, yet we are expected to pay the national debt that we did not even cause.

    I would like the tax and wealth distribution to change. As mentioned earlier, the tax burden is only on the peasants who already suffer the most out of the three estates. In addition, this is most of France’s population. Taxes should remain, however, they should not just be targeted towards our peasant class that can barely provide for ourselves. In addition, the tax money should not be spent for the royal class’s wealth and luxuries. It is wasting the money we do have. Therefore, I agree with the Enlightenment ideals because it will take some power from the higher class and distribute it much more evenly. The higher classes are abusing their power. The ongoing poverty and reliance on the third estate has been going on for too long. It is time for a change in society and government and it is not right that most of the french population is suffering for a small thriving population of the first and second estate. Systems like feudalism that restrict the peasant class should also stop.

    Peasant/ Irene Cho

    1. As a noble, I disagree. In return for the peasants' hard work, they receive protection from the nobles. As for the clergy, they provide social services and monitor the church. As for France's economy, it seems to be well off with a feudalistic-structure. On top of that, feudalism does not restrict the workers. They simply work for nobles or lords that give protection in return. We also provide land for peasants to work on, which supports the crown. In fact, the third estate's job is to simply provide for the higher estates. If workers were to not be taxed, the economy would surely fall apart. Enlightenment ideas that challenge the crown may lead to many problems, one of the main ones being as extremely corrupt people may gain absolute power once again and the the process would start over entirely.


  18. As one of the more established citizens within France, I believe that several things have turned for the worse when this whole revolution ruined everything. Not only have my rights been threatened, but increasing taxes and economic stress takes main focus within the noble circle. I resent the use of violence within our own country, and feel as if the rowdy peasants have caused an extreme amount of chaos. For example, the storming of the Bastille lead to countless deaths and started off this entire civil conflict. Not only that, but hundreds of noble men, women, and members of the clergy have been brutally executed for trying to maintain the high society that we've become accustomed to. I strongly hope our King and Queen learn to maintain our comfortable living style, while restoring the economy and quelling civil unrest. The Clergy should have to pay taxes and give up land they own so that the Third Estate could live a little easier.

    In terms of Enlightenment, I believe that some of these notions have increasingly strong merit, the noble line should be allowed to partake in their own affairs without the King's interference, however that goes the same with doctors and other important figures within the Third Estate. Prices and the over all economy must be fixed if we are to have a functional society, which is why the Second Estate should still be allowed to maintain it's high class and luxury lifestyle; I mean without our manors and luxury goods what kind of society would we live in?

    Noble/Elijah Kennard

  19. Hello, I'm a noble from the second estate and I truly wish the best for France. However, France must preserve French traditions and avoid giving middle- and lower-class men too much power as changes in our social structure can weaken the upper-class like us and wreck chaos in France. I do not see a problem in our current society where we, the Nobles, protect the third estates and provide them a place to live in return for food that gets circulated between the three estates for the prosper of France. Peasants also get financial support and education from the clergies, which means that they should have no complaints. The third estate should be glad that they’re able to support the clergy and the government by providing food with their hard work under lands that we, the nobles, provide to feed the France as a whole. The nobles should keep their power and their rights of not paying the taxes since we contribute to the government by collecting taxes and protecting the nation from outside threats. We also need the upper-class to maintain their higher positions to manage the third estate and make sure all taxes are collected to assist the King and the Church.

    Concerning the enlightenment ideas, I wish to condemn these ideals completely away from society as it is making our third estate corrupt and guiding them to the wrong path. These enlightenment ideals are weakening the upper-class and placing wrongful thoughts into our third estate's minds. Our social hierarchy must be maintained as it is now as we are the ones who maintain the economy of France and protect the majority of France, the third estates. I hope to see these ideals abandoned in the future as it is full of threatening ideals that could completely disorder our society.

  20. To my kingdom, as Queen Marie Antionette

    I am your Queen, and I am glad to see the elegance of France grow ever so spectacularly. Our country is (totally) booming financially, and we see it out in the streets and at our royal palace at Versailles. I extend my thanking to the people of France - the first and second estates - in this matter, as their hard work has allowed us to expand and grow in times of need.

    France, we may be going through some tough times, but together, if we stick together as a group and work hard, we will be able to work hard and get through these times, and enjoy a prosperous France for generations to come. This is my hope. I hope for France to remain together, and for those in all estates, especially the third estate, to give their best effort (even more than they are right now) in their work so that we can ensure a prosperous France despite these (entirely) "natural" disasters that plague us in the current moment.

    In addition, I'd like to address the movement that some call the "Enlightenment" - It is a threat to the very well-being of France! The Enlightenment is designed by the outsiders to spread crippling ideas and convert entire populations against their government based on (totally) false accusations and public appeal! As a government, we are (totally) doing everything we can to support you in these times of need! Please, do not let these "Enlightenment" thoughts enter your minds, you wouldn't want our enemies to invade France from it's core, would you? TskTsk

    France, we must make some changes to ensure our prosperity. First, do not let the ideas of the Enlightenment enter your minds. It is a curse, and you cannot succumb to it. Second, we must press the third estate to work harder and produce more goods, for we need their wealth to support the economy of France through these (totally) temporary times of need. However, to the second estate, you are doing well. Continue to do what you are doing. You are the core of France, and your support is critical to our survival.

    //Sanjay Soni as Queen Marie Antionette//

  21. As a noble, I'd like for France to stay the same. The economy is fairly stable and the king and queen are satisfied. We, nobles, protect the laborers who work on fields in return for the food that they provide. It is a simple system, and any disturbance within it may cause a disturbance to France as a whole. It is also suffice for the economy, seeing as there have been no problems. However, I do have some hopes. I personally wish for the economy to improve so that France can become more wealthy. Wealth, like art and architecture, demonstrates power and dominance over others. A wealthier crown may also help to support our military, which in turn can lead to a more powerful empire overall.
    As of Enlightenment ideas, I disapprove strongly. Enlightenment ideas challenge the monarch, showing disloyalty, which is a serious offense. On top of that, it displeases the clergy and many church officials as Enlightenment ideas point towards scientific facts instead of God. The Enlightenment could give a chance for people to seize power and control, in which they may become seriously corrupt. It will counter the tranquility of France, something that the monarchs have tried to keep for many centuries. Something I would like to change about the country is the economy. I would like for the economy to improve so that the empire can expand, because expansion is a sign of power and dominance against others. It could, in fact, lead to an even better economy. Something that should stay the same are the estates and their roles. The reason why it should remain constant is because it is effective and does not throw France into debt. Moreover, workers receive protection in return for their labor, so there is no inequality.

    Noble / Shirley Jiang

    1. Being a peasant of France, I strongly disagree with your statement. From a peasant's point of view, France's economy is terribly unstable. Peasants are the ones who fuel France's economy, paying all of its taxes and manufacturing all of its products. Our economy should not stay the same way it is, since it is creating very unfair living conditions for the third estate, which makes up the majority of France. With 97% of France's population in unrest, society is not balanced. It may give Nobles like you an easy, tax-less life, but unrest within the overwhelming majority of France's population will cause the empire to crumble. This prompts the need for these reforms in taxation and power, which I have proposed, regarding the taxation of all French citizens and decrease in power of first and second estates. On the other hand, as for your methods of strengthening France, I strongly agree. France's expansion would provide a great strengthening to the French government and empire as a whole. This expansion could not be achieved, though, without France's depressed economy being fixed.

      Peasant/Urban Worker/Patrick Broderick

    2. Ah, God bless you Noble! I truly agree with your stance on the economy. If things stay the same, not only can you keep your power and estate, but my fellow Clergy members and I can continue being able to provide services to not only the Third Estate, but to your Estate as well through means such as educating your children. I also share your stance on these awful new Enlightenment ideas. I truly believe that if they are left unchecked, they will sow the seeds of chaos that will lead to France’s complete and utter destruction, due to the lack of guidance from the Clergy as we would be unable to deliver the word of God. I thank you once again for sharing your wonderful opinion, and may God bless you.

      Clergy / Eric Mildenhall


    As a peasant, my life has been filled with complete and utter disappointment and I hope that France can hopefully change their ways. Although our population skyrocketed, we were treated very poorly. By the mid eighteenth century, the population increased by 50% in France. You would believe that it would be a good thing but due to the unbearable conditions we were put through, many lives were lost. Most peasants were unemployed and had to fend for their lives in order to maintain an okay life. One main concept that killed us was the taxpayer dollars we must pay to the clergy and the noble men. Every week, the snotty tax collectors would always come to our little place we called ‘home’ and take all of the hard work that we have earned. It’s not fair. Our money doesn’t even benefit us at all. As the King and Queen sit on their throne and enjoy their lavish lifestyles. Considering the Palace of Versailles, all of our money has gone to all of the parties Queen Marie has throne. She isn’t even a French Citizen. The hard-earned money that I have worked through blood, sweat and tears for isn’t something that should be put to waste. If we are living during the times of the enlightenment, why can’t the money go towards rebuilding Paris and strengthening the ways of people’s lives.

    During the enlightenment, people are supposed to be enlightened and learn about the new technology has to offer, or those who wants to feel this power and glory. If our money is going straight to the King and Queen, there has got to be a change. The distribution of the dollars that we pay should change. Most of the tax dollars are coming from peasants who are unable to pay taxes; let alone salvage through the harsh dark times. If the other classes such as the bourgeoisie, nobles, and the clergy were to pay a fair share of taxes, then the economy and the social class wouldn’t be as corrupted. I also would like to change the ideas of how the voting system works. Although the peasants make up 95% of the French population, we wouldn’t get majority of the votes. The government is so corrupt that no matter how many peasants out rule the nobility/middle class, we never get the vote. As a representative the peasants, we believe that our voting process should be by how many people that vote. Just because the middle class believes that we are just “smelly peasants who don’t know whets best for their country let alone themselves” peasants should at least be a part of the decisions that can impact our country for better or for worse. We all are French natives who want what’s best for our country.

    Peasant /Urban Worker -- Wintana Araya

  23. Representing one of the many peasants in the French Empire, I don’t have much hope for the future of France. We perform most if not all of the hard labor in the empire, maintaining the roadways and working in factories to produce the empire’s essential goods, but as a result we are taxed the most? I already make so little from manufacturing goods, and those filthy landlords keep on raising our taxes. The second and third estates, which don’t comprise most of the empire, pay little to no tax at all towards the corrupt government. I also have no idea why we decided to help the Americans in their war with Britain. Our assistance to them brought great debt to the empire, which the government is attempting to solve through taxing us peasants. How is this fair in any way? During this chaos, the Enlightenment era just added fuel to the fire. French society was fine under the rule of the Catholic Church, and Enlightenment brought new ideas that only divided our society. It also gave the government more power, which is already struggling to keep the empire in control.

    If I were to make a change in society, I would certainly relieve the peasants from their horrible living conditions. We are plagued with starvation, crime, and most of us aren’t even employed. Even with industrial jobs, we are paid very little in return, which forces us to resort to becoming street sellers and servants. I would solve this crisis by significantly increasing the wages of the peasants, which would solve many problems on its own. I would also deprive the people in the first and second estates of their absolute power over us, considering that they’re doing nothing but leeching off us peasants for their luxurious lifestyles. The King and Queen must realize the state of their own empire, which might be impossible due to them being too focused on hosting their lavish parties. This must change, and I propose that they live in the same conditions as us peasants to get a first-hand account of the condition of their empire. However, I do believe that industrialization should be kept in French society. Much of the peasant population has moved into the cities, and I myself have been living in relatively better conditions than in much of rural France. As long as the increase of wealth will benefit everyone in the long run, then I am willing to support industry in the French Empire.

    Peasant/Urban workers - Ashton Chang

    1. I disagree with this idea that peasants are the most hardworking and that they provide all of our essential goods. I believe that as a peasant you are forgetting what nobles and what the King and I do to help you. Without the protection of the nobles you would be nothing and have nothing. It is a simple and fair exchange you work on the nobles land and they gives you homes, I see no injustice or wrong doing. As peasants your anger is being misplaced due to these hard times that are taking a tole on ALL OF US. Yes you are doing more work, but this only because the country is self including the nobles, the clergy, and the King and I are all doing more to regain its strength.

    2. Edit:
      I disagree with this idea that peasants are the most hardworking and that they provide all of our essential goods. I believe that as a peasant you are forgetting what nobles and what the King and I do to help you. Without the protection of the nobles you would be nothing and have nothing. It is a simple and fair exchange you work on the nobles land and they gives you homes, I see no injustice or wrong doing. As peasants your anger is being misplaced due to these hard times that are taking a tole on ALL OF US. Yes you are doing more work, but this only because the country is self including the nobles, the clergy, and the King and I are all doing more to regain its strength.
      Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

  24. It is I Marie Anntionette, Queen of France and daughter of the throne of Austria. I know to all of France my opinion is looked over due to my absence of not being a true French citizen, but my people should trust in me because I just want the best for France. My hopes for France is for it to remain just the same with Louis XVI and I ruling it to glory, and that the alliance between France and Austria remain strong. Peasants, I see your distress at a time like this, but I reassure you that it is just misplaced anger you have placed upon me. You have to understand that the King and I are working very hard to bring France back to glory, and by allying with Austria we are doing just that. But France right now is going through a mishap, and mistakes must be made before everything gets set back to place well. Although I believe that the rule of the King and I should remain the same, I believe that the peasants should change and become more understanding and stop this word of Revolution because that would not help France. If we continue on this path France will fall apart, and as the citizens of France the peasants should not let this happen.

    My opinion in regards to the Enlightenment, is that it will not help France. It is by word of God that each Queen and King should have power and I stand strong beside this, because removing religion from our court would bring total chaos. All Kings and Queens should be seen godly because that is what God asks of us, so removing religion would just be simply: unholy. This comes to tie with another idea of Enlightenment, that all men are equal. This is just wrong, because a King and a peasant are not the same because once more a King has the word of God, which allows him to have more importance and live more luxuriously. A peasant does not have that importance, and the idea of a peasant having the same importance of God is just revolting. Overall all these Enlightenment ideas will not have any benefit to France. It is just simply a step to modernization, that is wrong because it would entering a world without religion and that is a disservice to God and to the clergy itself. If these ideas take over everything done by France from there on would just be stepping in the footsteps of evil.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

    1. As a noble, I agree that your and King Louis XVI's kingdom should remain how it is. Although the peasants do not have things as well off as us here in the 1st and 2nd estates, they have no reason to revolt against the King. The revolution is only putting France in great turmoil and causing so many innocent noble lives to be taken. The social system of France is well structured and every estate serves an important purpose, so I find no fault in our society. I also agree that the Enlightenment is not doing France any good. As religion is important to France, removing it or decreasing the importance of it would be unheard of. The king and queen have rightfully earned their right to rule from God Himself. Enlightenment ideals and peasant revolts are simply disrespectful to you and King Louis XVI!

      Noble/Kayla Lee

  25. As one of the many peasants that make up the Third Estate, my main hope for France is to have more representation, rights, and opportunities handed to us, as well as limit such harsh taxation against us and us only within the France Empire. I myself and others like me are treated as though we are not humans. The First and Second Estate, filled with the noblemen and the clergy, seem to get all of the higher positions, better treatment, and overall live much better lives than we will ever have the chance to experience. We peasants and urban farmers are extremely poor, with little to eat and very little rights as to what we do with our lives, seeing our low positioning within the social hierarchy that is the First, Second, and Third Estate. We live horrible lives, as we are put through extreme and inhumane living conditions. The extreme rise of taxes that came hit people like me incredibly hard, and made our lives significantly worse and seemingly unbearable. The only ones benefiting from such brutal taxation against people like me would be King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, in attempts to make up for the extreme debt they were facing following the war they had taken up against England and their luxurious demands. Why weren’t the First and Second Estates being taxed in the same way? Why was it only us facing such terrible conditions of life by submitting to harsh taxation for the sake of France and living through a lack of rights for people like us?

    I cannot seem to stress how important the ideas of Enlightenment are for France. The people of France should continue to question and see the wrong within absolute monarchy and the Estate System that is in place (First, Second, Third Estates). We must continue to challenge these ideas that were drilled into our minds in regards to the authority that is the King and Queen. As people like us who are clearly oppressed begin to push and stand up against those who are in charge, we will be able to see a great change in our seemingly poor and weak government. We will be able to revolutionize France! As to what changes I would like to see within France, it would simply be changes within the authority that is in charge and restrictions to the power that they seem to hold. We want a voice as well. We want to be represented and have a say in what is happening within France as well. To me, this is the biggest change, along with the great limiting of taxation among the poor and/or applying taxation to those of the higher classes. The Third Estate makes up about 98% of the population, so why are we treated as though we aren’t the majority? There must be something done about the monstrosity of what has become of France, and provide better treatment and rights for not only the higher classes, but for people such as myself as well.

    - Peasants, Urban Workers/Abigail Daniel

  26. I am King Louis XVI of France. I took over the throne after my grandfather died leaving me an absolute monarchy at the age of 19. With me gaining all of this power I wanted to make France a more open state to non-Catholic religions giving them the status of being a citizen (given duties and rights), plus converting France into being religiously tolerant. France had fallen into an ocean full of debt from loans I took out of the state to support the Americans during the American Revolution, the vast spending of my father to gain the power of the nobles, and the bad harvests and droughts that had fallen upon this country limiting our agricultural needs. I began to raise the bread prices higher and higher so that I could vanish this debt from France. This increase in taxes only benefited the first and second estates but I didn't mind as much because I was still living my grand lifestyle. However the third estate (peasants or anyone who didn't own land) grew agitated at this and started to rebel against me and the social and political systems of France.

    This led to rebellions and revolutions and a part of me blames the rise of the Enlightenment for this. The Enlightenment gave the third estate a voice or power to fight against the inequality that was presented to them. Plus the idea of men's power to fight for themselves grew. The Enlightenment is something that I would like to get rid of so that the third estate does not get the thought of rebelling against the France systems and not being aware of the inequality that they were presented with. Also I would like to keep the use of feudalism and absolute monarchy since after the French Revolution the political and social systems transformed. Feudalism helped maintain and build the power in absolute monarchy to the king since we controlled the landlords which controlled the peasants (workers). Or, I would change my actions of taxing and trying to rely only on the peasants to fix France’s economic devastation and not giving them no voice at all, so that I wouldn’t be killed by the people who use to adore me. Relying so heavily on the Peasants created burden upon their shoulders causing them to rebel against the systems and higher ups of France like me.

    King Louis XVI/ Hailey Williams

    1. I agree with your remarks that due to Enlightenment ideas set sparks to the revolution. If it weren't for these outrageous idea things would have stayed calm, but the moment that these "modern" ideas started people seemed to forget the the role of religion, and the role of them as peasants. This idea that all men are equal that came with the Enlightenment made the peasant believe that they had as much power as you the King. This remark is simply and utterly ridiculous, because a King is assigned by God or is even God-like a peasant is not he is just a simple follower. This idea is just overall disrespect to us rulers, and it angers me. These enlightenment ideas will be the end of this great French empire.
      Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

    2. As a peasant, it's clear to see that I completely disagree with your comments regarding your opinions on the Enlightenment and what should stay the same in France. It baffles me that you can treat human beings with such disrespect, as you tax them brutally and take whatever they have from them, knowing their living conditions and how miserable people like me are already living. The Enlightenment ideas shed light on the terrible condition of France entirely and, more specifically, how poorly you and the Queen are ruling. It gives the power of knowledge to those of the Third Estate who are beginning to see that they can fight back after facing ridiculously brutal oppression. Had you and the Queen realized better ways to rule over France and make up for the debt that you seem to be swimming in following the war and your significant spending of luxurious demands (such as also taxing the First and Second Estate rather than pinning all weight on the social class that can manage it the least), we peasants, urban workers, and the rest of the Third Estate for that matter would not be suffering. We would not be turning to the Enlightenment ideas that you seemingly despise, which, as you addressed, could be the starting of the rebelling of a revolt against the France systems.

    3. As a peasant, it's clear to see that I completely disagree with your comments regarding your opinions on the Enlightenment and what should stay the same in France. It baffles me that you can treat human beings with such disrespect, as you tax them brutally and take whatever they have from them, knowing their living conditions and how miserable people like me are already living. The Enlightenment ideas shed light on the terrible condition of France entirely and, more specifically, how poorly you and the Queen are ruling. It gives the power of knowledge to those of the Third Estate who are beginning to see that they can fight back after facing ridiculously brutal oppression. Had you and the Queen realized better ways to rule over France and make up for the debt that you seem to be swimming in following the war and your significant spending of luxurious demands (such as also taxing the First and Second Estate rather than pinning all weight on the social class that can manage it the least), we peasants, urban workers, and the rest of the Third Estate for that matter would not be suffering. We would not be turning to the Enlightenment ideas that you seemingly despise, which, as you addressed, could be the starting of the rebelling of a revolt against the France systems.

      - Peasants, Urban Workers/Abigail Daniel

  27. As a man of God who is apart of the clergy, I simply hope that France may recover from this time of turmoil, and simply embrace God and go back to how things once were. My stance on these new Enlightenment ideas is that all they succeed in doing is causing mass amounts of disorder. The Church has its laws and practices in place as they do and we as Clergymen perform our acts and duties so that order may be maintained and so that we are able to continuously assist the people of France for little to no cost. If the Church were to reform, the entire Third Estate would be crippled due to how we would most likely be forced to now pay taxes, which takes away our energy from educating the public, and making sure any unholy texts do not see the light of day. Reforming the Church means forsaking order. I do hope you all may soon come to your senses, I shall pray for you. As for things in our glorious country that should not change, I hold a firm belief in that the Clergy should maintain its non tax paying status. This is due to the fact that it allows us to properly educate the masses, as well as censor anything unholy, and provide public services to the Third Estate. As for what should be changed, I suggest that more wealth is distributed to the Third Estate. This is so that they may find themselves much better off than where they are now and devote more of their time to their education as well becoming closer to God.

    Clergy / Eric Mildenhall

    1. As a bourgeoisie, I disagree with your view of the future of France taxing wise. What you are saying is that you can't pay taxes because you have to focus on your work and profession to help the people of France. That is like me saying I don't have to pay tax because I need to focus on making more money so I can help others in need. Money is needed to provide education to everyone and that money comes from taxes, therefore, by paying taxes you will also be educating the people and leading them closer to God.

    2. Bourgeoisie/Wendy Fang

  28. As a noble of France, on behalf of our country, my hopes for France are for it to remain how it is currently. Our beloved King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette have worked hard to keep order in France. However, the approaching peasant revolutions have been causing chaos and disorder in France that is completely unnecessary. I believe that France's government is structured as it should be and we deserve the rights that we have, included tax exemption and the right to stay at Versailles. Us nobles work hard for this country and provide the peasants and the bourgeoisie with farm land, a place to live, and protection. Although the 3rd estate is unhappy with their situation, they should be grateful for our service to them. We provide them with farmland and protection, and only ask for food in return. The clergy provides the 3rd estate with education, religious support, and social services. The 3rd estate should take pride in their work instead of complaining about their mistreatment, since they provide the 1st and 2nd estates with food, which keeps the economy in check. Personally, I do not find anything wrong with our society and it is structured like it should be.

    As for changes, I believe that expressing the flourishing Enlightenment ideals should be banned from France. They cause unnecessary tension and corruption of the French government. The Enlightenment promotes a constitutional monarchy and liberty, while straying away from religion. These ideals cause the peasant class to stray away from God which causes disorder and uprisings. Enlightenment ideas should be banned as they cause peasant unrest. Our society is perfectly functional and from my point of view, it works for all French citizens.

    Noble/Kayla Lee

    1. I have to agree with you, as King Louis XVI, I have watched my kingdom unravel into unrest because of the peasants revolts. We have given the peasant so much like a place to live with protection, and if we didn't provide that to them they would complain but I guess they are not satisfied. The taxes that I have placed upon them is to bring France back to its glorified kingdom it once was. The Enlightenment has brought illness to the peasants and third estates minds causing only unrest to fall upon the beautiful kingdom. All signs of Enlightenment should be banned to bring France back to its blooming region.

      King Louis XVI/ Hailey Williams

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As King Louis XVI, I agree with the nobles regarding the future of France, and with the queen and I working hard to keep our empire afloat. First, Enlightenment ideals should not spread throughout our empire because it is both a betrayal to the church and includes unnecessary questioning regarding the government. Monarchy has justifiably ruled our empire due to the divine right of kings, which is a religious doctrine that ensures a king's position with the authority from God himself. The representation of the people or the third estate is dispensable compared to the right of God and the church. Second, the Ancien Régime is necessary and the debt that we face can be resolved. This social system has been used since the Late Middle Ages, so its continuation to now proves that it is functional to our society. With the increased taxes to the third estate, our bankruptcy can be solved and we can continue to properly spend our money.

      -King Louis XVI/Elouise Nicole Vasquez

    4. I would have to agree; France as it is now is doing well for itself, seen as the king has placed taxes onto the Third Estate, and you nobles work hard to help keep all in order. With little adjustments such as more wealth given to the Third Estate and a lack of Enlightenment ideas, we will keep the peasants satisfied enough to not cause turmoil in our kingdom. This helps with turmoil due to the fact that they will not be influenced to stray away from God and to be happy with what they have, even if they are socially lower than the rest of us. All this set aside, France is as blessed as ever and only flourishing with improvement.

      Clergy/Mai Mason

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Being one of the peasants of France, I represent an overwhelming majority of France’s population. Taking a look at the state France is in right now now, it is evident that this empire will not last. With the way estates are structured now, France will make no progression as a society and growth as an empire. Us peasants in the third estate are treated like dirt the way society is. We are forced to pay all of France’s taxes, while we constantly work under the first and second estate. This imbalanced economy, favoring the people of higher classes, will not sustain France for long. Unfair treatment and taxation of peasants will lead to great societal unrest. All of these factors will contribute to the eventual demise of France. A saving grace came to French society in the midst of this overwhelming social unrest, though. The Enlightenment brought heavenly ideas which prompted the equality of all people within the empire. Although it created more division, it gave people like us, peasants, the chance to have a voice in the empire, making it such a powerful development.

    I feel like in order to reestablish France and to get rid of these detrimental factors of out society, various reforms need to occur. There are two main changes I propose to happen. One is to tax all of French society rather than just the third estate. By doing this, a more balanced economy is created, creating less societal unrest and prompting for more occupational creativity, since not everyone in the third estate will be limited to just mindlessly working in order to pay taxes to their superiors. Higher estate people should be provoked of some power, since they will come to the realization of France’s economic if this happens. Realization from higher estates will lead to more opportunity for growth. Another change that I feel would greatly benefit France would be to establish more connections with other empires and societies. One example would be the United States, especially in the Americas, since this could lead to economic and social benefit for both societies. This would ultimately lead to more political power and overall stability within the societies. Overall, some characteristics I feel should stay the same would be our sources of economy. The usage of factories and manufacturing to fuel the French economy has brought great benefit to me, and has provided me with many great opportunities. Ultimately, I feel like by integrating this ideas into French society, France could strengthen and progress from the current depression we are in.

    Peasant/Urban Worker/Patrick Broderick

    1. Megan has had some technical troubles and her blog post will not upload on her computer, so I am posting it for her.

      I disagree, we (the nobles) treat you well and the people of high classes don’t get taxed because of all the work we already do. The nobles graciously give you land to work on and a place to live with your family and all we ask for is some food and respect. Plus if we had to pay taxes on top of everything else we already have to do it would cause the peasants to suffer because their protected and provider wouldn’t be able to protect or provide. If you peasants could do other jobs how would the rest of society eat and survive. Not everyone can just do what they want, you have to think of the good of all people.

      Noble/Megan Jensen

  31. As Queen Marie Antoinette of France I have high hopes for France like improving economically and for gaining more power for the government and mainly to myself. I also hope for France allowing the crown to bring in new luxury goods in trade which can help with having a lavish lifestyle as well as getting more money and power. My opinion on the Enlightenment Ideas is neutral for many different reasons like growth, money, etc. For example, some of the positive outcomes of the enlightenment was the money I was getting in return and learning a new culture, ideas from other regions and parts of the world. I enjoyed learning all of the ideas and ways that other people were able to spread scientific and philosophical influences to France which was able to improve it as a whole. however, there were also negative outcomes of Enlightenment Ideas like how it led to the French Revolution. The French Revolution changes the political and social structure of France. It broke the class system and brought equality. I didn't like this and hated the idea of everyone being equal and living the same because my lifestyle had to change greatly.

    Something that I would like to change about France is to increase the taxes to the peasants of France. This is because from taxes increasing the government would be getting more money and it would improve me and the crown greatly. I would also like to increase in trade and getting more luxury goods. This would be increasing connections with other regions and being able to improve in our trade greatly as well as my lifestyle. Some of the things that I wouldn't like to change about France is the authority that I have and power over France and the people. I would like to keep the lifestyle that I have and the ability to have parties and hang out with all of my friends. Another aspect that I would not like to change about France is the social systems and the way that it is set up because being equal wouldn't give me the power over people and be queen.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Jacki Tebrejian

  32. The significant problem of the French Empire in the beginning of the Late Modern Period of history is its financial ruin due to the many wars we occupied ourselves with, which includes the American Revolution and Seven Years’ War. Though the empire is in financial debt, I, King Louis XVI, believe that we can trudge through these hard times and plow ourselves to become an empire greater than the British. With this, it can be inferred that I have high hopes for France to relieve ourselves from this debt. I believe that it is necessary to carry out Enlightenment ideals in reforms to appease the people. As an example, I have attempted to abolish the land tax on peasants, but it failed due to the nobles’ resistance. However, on a personal level I disagree with these ideas because it is a betrayal to our religion and the first estate. The clergy dispense aid to both the second estate and the commoners, and with this, we should give them more credit for their work.

    The first factor I would like to change in France is the influence of Enlightenment. The divine right of kings and the concept of monarchy is needed to rule an empire such as France. Religion has guided us through the darkest times while a monarchy is traditional and keeps future power in order. The second factor I would like to change is the amount of taxation on the third estate. With the rising bankruptcy of France, we quickly need to improve our economy by increasing the taxes on the biggest population of France, which is the third estate. Although the second and first estate should also be taxed, they are important in keeping my power and letting religion prosper. A continuity that should remain is the amount of power I have as the king of France. By continuing to let me rule, I promise a solution that will solve the financial debt of our empire and keep all three estates in check.

    -King Louis XVI/Elouise Nicole Vasquez

    1. I strongly agree with you King Louis XVI. The enlightenment ideals are not aiding in the development and the unification of Frances population, but rather dismantling the greatness of this nation as a whole. The influences of Enlightenment are giving the population of the great nation of France the wrong ideals and influences. Essentially, it is giving the population the wrong idea. As monarchs, we intend to allow France to progress as a nation while maintaining future order. With the ideals of Enlightenment which are mis informing society, this impedes our efforts as monarchs of the great nation of France. I also strongly agree with your claim describing the taxation of the second and third estates. These estates play essential roles in keeping France unified and in order. The duties they serve eliminate their tax dues and this keeps France stable and a healthy nation.

    2. Queen Marie Antoinette/Joel Rosenman ^

  33. Megan has had some technical troubles and her blog post will not upload on her computer, so I am posting it for her.

    I am a french noble and I have high hopes for France. With King Louis XVI as our ruler France has a bright future. I hope we can get access to more luxury goods and new foods from new connections with other countries. However I am scared about my future in France. I’ve realized that lately I’ve lost some of my power and I can’t see how I’m going to get any of it back anytime soon. I feel King Louis XVI may be planning something behind my back, but at least I still have my land, substantial food, and people to work for me. My opinion of the Enlightenment ideas are that they are mostly bogus. Some of them makes some sense but even then they were created by people who are just jealous of what I have. However I can see how some could help our country such as fixing our economy, but I can not lose any more of my stuff or else I’ll die or something horrible like that.
    I would like to change the mindset of the peasants. I believe us nobles are treating them pretty well and all they do is revolt and say they want more power. Without us (the nobles) where would they live, who else do they think is going to protect them and give them shelter. Plus power comes with responsibility and in order for France to succeed in the future the peasants can’t have power in the government. They’ll just ruin the whole system and be the cause of France’s downfall. I would like to keep my power and land and my lifestyle. If I had to live more like the peasants I don’t know how I could make the right decisions for France’s future.

    Noble/Megan Jensen

  34. As a bourgeoisie, my hopes for France will definitely be a better social class system where power is distributed more evenly. 95% of the French population is in the Third Estate. This proves how inefficient the social structure is in France. Unlike the nobles, clergy, Queen Marie Antoinette, and King Louis XVI that were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, I, a bourgeoisie, had to earn my way up to this status. It’s unfair! The nobles get everything they want just for being born into a wealthy family while I try my very best to earn everything I have with my own effort and talent. Even if I must stay as an upper middle class, why must I be in the Third Estate along with the peasants/urban workers? I am in the upper class for a reason and they are in the lower class for a reason, yet we are in the same estate. I deserve more power and rights.

    My opinion of Enlightenment ideas is that it will bring France as a whole to a newer level of advancement in all the social, political, interactions, cultural, economic, innovation, and technological aspects. With the limitation on aristocratic and church power, people like me, an ordinary citizen will be able to voice my opinions and vote. Instead of having one vote for each estate group that always needed up in the First and Second Estates over voting the Third Estate, I want the votes from everyone to be counted in France. I want to be heard. I want to have the right to contribute to government decisions. I don’t want to have to buy my political office and title while the best jobs are already reserved fo the nobles. I’ve had enough of people having so much power over hard working citizens like me and taking advantage of the middle class men.

    I would like for taxation to stay the same but I would like the taxing system to change. The peasants/urban workers and bourgeoisies have to pay taxes while the nobles and clergy don’t is just absolute nonsense! This will only lead to rebellion of the lower classes and I’m sure the higher classes wouldn’t like to see that. What’s the difference from telling the Third Estate people to go work and then give all their money to the government that’s already wealthy? I am at a more stable financial status that can pay taxes and survive, but the peasants/urban workers can’t. They would be die or live miserably either way if they taxed or didn’t. Taxes should be continued so that government would have funding to protect the citizens and improve their lives and not for the personal gains of the King and Queen. The amount of tax from each person should depend on their social status and wealth. The wealthy should pay more while the poor pay less. A more just taxing system will eventually lead to more peaceful lives of citizens.

    Bourgeoisie/Wendy Fang

  35. I am Queen Marie Antoinette, and as the queen of France, I am very confident in France's ability to be a tremendous nation with impressive achievements, ambitions, and Aspirations. Now, more than ever, France is a nation which displays tremendous amounts of wealth and power. Along with wealth and power, France displays a stable population which are equipped with the tools for success and to develop. As a whole, the lush and luxurious gatherings hosted at the glorious palace of Versailles display the lush lifestyle that France can afford. While many believe that these parties and events are harming the nation of France as a whole, I personally believe that they are strengthening the country. These parties and events bring together many within our nation, and show other nations that France is not a power to be reckoned with. France is a nation with mass amounts of wealth, power, loyalty, stability, and honor. Furthermore, while many attempt to advocate for the renaissance and the enlightenment of the population, I personally believe that this ideology of enlightenment is an ideal which displays France as a weak nation and its practice should be seized. The ideals which are being deprived from “Enlightenment” are harming our nation and the glory of France. Moving forward, these ideals are not separating the nation rather than bringing our great nation unity. Along with the Enlightenment ideals, westernization is bringing France to a halt and not allowing for our plans for expansion and development. As Queen of France, I have devoted myself to serve France and to make France the greatest nation this world has ever seen. While many contradict the importance of these parties and gathering events, I would like to re emphasize the importance of these events to strengthen our relationship with not only people within our own great nation of France, but also other nations around us. These relationships play essential in developing our nation and making it greater than it already is.

    Within our great nation of France, there seems to be a lack unity and cooperation between the populations of our great nation. I personally feel that the Enlightenment ideals play a part into this, so I would insist that we incorporate external ideals and expose our populations to external cultures and influences in order for many to ignore the silly ideals of Enlightenment. The ideals of enlightenment are attempting to disorder society. I would like to keep society as stable and as reasonable as possible. By eliminating the ideals of enlightenment from society, I strongly believe that France as a nation will improve tremendously. We will unify for the greater cause of developing, expanding, and keeping France great.

    Queen Marre Antoinette/Joel Rosenman

  36. As a holy member of the Clergy, I wholeheartedly hope that things in France remain the way that they are currently; of course, without all the uproar and turmoil. The king and queen are satisfied, and without the Clergy, The Third Estate wouldn't know how to properly function. Who would be there to put in place the laws and practices for the for the people if we aren't there to do so? Furthermore, without us, all the members of the Clergy would be taxed, educating the public with nothing in return, and providing our pure services to you all. I, along with other members of the Clergy believe that the one thing that should be changed is the costs that are distributed across the Third Estate. Not forgetting to mention that most of you should take a step back to better yourselves by praising God and becoming closer to him, so that no one else should have to witness your dirty, unholy postings. Blessed be to all, only together we can grow if we all have faith.
    Clergy/Mai Mason


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