French Revolution Blog Post #2

Due by 10pm on Friday, 1-24

Read the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (located in packet) and post (as your social class):

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these articles and why?  How do you predict they will affect change in France? Specifically reference AT LEAST 3 articles in your entry. 

You must submit your original post (2 paragraphs min.) and comment on at least 1 other persons post (1 paragraph).

Respond as one of the following based on your last name:

Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D)
Bourgeoisie (E - H)
Noble (I - L)
Clergy (M - P)
Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T) 
King Louis XVI (U - Z)


  1. As a member of the bourgeoisie, I agree with most of these articles in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen! For example, in article 1 they explain how all men will be equal and free in rights. This is very beneficial to the third class, especially since it will allow our voices to be heard in governmental affairs. We will get the opportunity to become political figures no matter what social struggle or current occupation we are in. Additionally, I agree with article 3 since it grants power and law into the hands of the nation! Personally, I feel so tired of the absolute monarchy passing all of the laws without considering the impact on economic or social situation of other estates. This law will allow us to elaborate together on laws that are fair and just to the entirety of France. Lastly, I agree with the article 14 which allows citizens to speak to their representative to determine the amount of taxation for those with different financial situations; basically, taxing those who can afford it. This is vital to us in the third estate since it will spread out the amount of taxation thus alleviating the pressures of supporting all of France with our money.

    Now that these articles have been declared, I believe that they will allow the government of France to make better laws that involve enlightenment ideas. These articles will hopefully aid in creating an equal society with the freedom of speech from all citizens and well representation of all classes. This will also help France manage their money better rather than spending it all on lavish parties, though the expense of wars is still at hand. Despite this, these articles will constantly push a democratic idea around that benefits all people. It will create an atmosphere that is fair and less stressful. Especially since heavy taxation on one social class will be eliminated. Aside from my concern for French economy, I have generally high hopes!

    Bourgeoisie / Rochelle Espino

    1. As a Noble, I disagree with your assessment of article 1 of the Declaration. You mentioned that citizens would gain an opportunity to become politically involved no matter what "social struggle or current occupation" you are in. However, there is a concern associated with this benefit of the first article. Some citizens simply do not meet the requirements to become reliable political figures. If we let every citizen, despite their competence in politics, to have a say in governmental affairs, we would essentially be giving a right to influence official governmental decrees to unexperienced individuals. This can in many ways negatively impact the kingdom of France as a whole.

    2. As a fellow Bourgeoisie, I share your view of article one. We have fought since day one for a free voice in the government, and our wishes are finally coming true. After all of our hard work it is paying off. Even the lower class is going to have a say, which means that our voices finally outnumber the nobles and high ranked officials. Our doctors and lawyers can finally take the highest positions, because they deserve it. I see that a noble has also responded, and I must say that while I agree with the idea that he is attempting to express, however, I also believe that if the lower classes are never given the opportunity to participate in the government, they will never learn. Given the invention of the printing press, and the increased use of it, there is no better time than now to begin involvement in politics, even if they do not understand the concept. This is because an increasing amount of peasants are becoming literate due to the printing press, so there are more chances to learn about politics, so that they can positively influence the government and insure that they are not repressed. It isn’t just the Bourgeoisie that benefit from article 1, after all.

      Bourgeoisie - Sophie Gray

    3. As the Queen of France, I find that everyone should indeed possess concern for the French economy with the adoption of these wrongful articles. The peasant and working class possess the responsibility to economically support our nation, just as officials and royalty possess the responsibility to guide our nation into a position of greatness. Although freedom of speech is valuable to any society, if we allow those who are unfit to contribute to politics have a say in our governmental affairs, France could be in grave danger. It is because of this that these articles only impress a misconception onto the general public of France.
      Marie Antoinette/Camille Simmons

    4. The Clergy agrees with you completely because we believe that all should be respected because of their worth and success, rather than where they came from. For example article 11 talks about freedom of speech, which allows individuals from any social standard to be allowed to speak, write, and print whenever they pleased, but still following the law. This is good for the future of France because it allows people the chance to live their lives freely, and make their own decisions, exercising their own free will. This will help the Clergy because it will make it easier to convince people that they can do as they please, but there are always consequences to their actions. Making people aware of what they do will help people move down the right path because they will choose to not sin, which is valued in the eyes of God. Another example of how the Clergy agrees with your statement would be that in article 9, all individuals are innocent until proven guilty, so this will avoid people that are wrongly accused the chance to prove their innocence. Giving people this chance is beneficial for the future of France because it inspires people to listen to one another, rather than to assume, which can lead people to finding the real person that sinned. This will help the clergy spread how God punishes the guilty, avoiding innocent blood being shed and the criminal from getting away.

      The Clergy/Alayna McGuire Period 4

    5. As The rightful king of France, I disagree with your opinion on article 1. You 3rd estate are not educated enough to participate in many voting based matters, additionally, many government positions such as my own for example require divine right, which you smelly peasants do not have. Therefore, if you were allowed to freely obtain government positions as you suggest, it would quickly bring about the downfall of our great nation.

      -Donovan Ward/ King Louis XVI

    6. Being a poor peasant, I am also very hopeful and satisfied with the declaration and its articles. With the articles, France will be more united and stronger than ever, with more peasants and urban workers such as myself feeling more motivated to work now that such grievances such as not being able to voice my opinion and not being heavily taxed could be gone.

      Peasant / Brandy Arriaga

  2. As a French Noble, I largely disagree with the articles represented in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. According to article 14 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, "Citizens have the right to ascertain, by themselves or through their representatives, the necessity of the public tax". This article essentially gives the third estate the right to reject taxes that they may deem unnecessary or unfair. This puts the whole country of France at a financial disadvantage because the third estate would do anything in their power to better their financial situation byway of their new rights. With the current debt, this newfound unreliability towards the citizens of France can set the kingdom back even more. In addition to this, article 13 states "a common tax is indispensable; it must be assessed equally on all citizens in proportion to their means". This article implies that all citizens, including those of the second and first estate, would need to be taxed. This takes away economic and political power from the Nobles as it would require us to start paying taxes. Note that the article also states that the tax would be assessed in proportion to each citizen's means, meaning that the ones who are more capable of paying the tax would be required to do so at a higher price.

    Aside from economic issues that the Declaration would produce, a rise in propaganda and/or troublesome press is also a major concern for the Nobles. Article 11 of the Declaration states that "free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Consequently, every citizen may speak, write, and print freely, subject to responsibility for the abuse of such liberty in the cases determined by law". This article gives the citizens free speech and the ability to publish their opinions to the public. This could result in public movements that contradict and challenge the political competence of members of the first and second estate and could result in a decrease in our status which is very valuable to us. Despite abuse of this right being prohibited by law, some might still take advantage of it nevertheless just in order to cause chaos. And even if prosecution were put into place, the aftermath of this public uprising could become out of control regardless of law enforcement. Generally, this Declaration reviews and accounts for all of the essential rights of the citizens and gives them more freedom. However, this Declaration can cause trouble not only in terms of economics, but also politics during a period of extreme stress and conflict.

    Noble / Elvin Kosuta

    1. As a member of the bourgeoise I'd disagree with your opinions on article 11. Freedom of speech in all aspects is important not only to the third estate but to second and first estate. Though this article may decrease your social standing slightly in France, your opinions shouldn't be completely excluded in determining laws. After all, we didn't completely take away the first estate's power, we allowed King Louis to pass laws that we suggest. In that case he still gets a fair rights to express his opinions. Since we had done this, it doesn't mean that we can't extend that same benefit to the noble class.

      Bourgeoise / Rochelle Espino

    2. I absolutely agree, the third estate is simply trying to take some of our power and riches. The third estate is desperate and these articles are some of the biggest cries of desperation I’ve ever seen. If we try to equalize the taxes we pay and it fails it could lead to the destruction of our great nation. It is completely unfair that the amount tax we pay is based on how much we have. After all these years of protecting the third estate and sharing our land with them they show their gratitude by making us pay more taxes than them? Article eleven is probably one of the scariest articles, if we implement this the social outrage that is happening in France right now will never end.

      Noble / Megan Jensen

    3. As a peasant, I disagree with your opinions on taxes. Taxes are necessary to keep France running. However, solely focusing the taxes on the peasant class that can’t even support themselves is corrupting France even more. Like you mentioned, the peasant class would fight for less taxes if they are given the right. However, it is important that they do because France is greatly divided. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. With the national debt, it requires most if not all classes to work to earn that money. Giving our class the responsibility is just killing France’s only skilled workers who have no food and are living in poverty. Once our class cannot support your class anymore, you will have no estate to turn too and France, as a whole, will fall. Therefore, article 14 is necessary.

      Peasant/ Irene Cho

    4. As a fellow noble, I completely agree with your statement on taxes. France needs all the financial support it can get from taxes due to the weakening economy, and the third estate will worsen the situation with the rights that they're given with these articles. All the estates should fulfill their role such as the clergy providing education and guidance to God, the nobles providing protection and land, and finally, the third estate providing crops and capital for the sake of France and the people in it. To prevent economic collapse, these articles should be reversed and we should go back to our traditions for our tax system

      Noble/ Ryan Lee

  3. As a Bourgeoisie, I agree with most of the articles which were established. As an overall view of the articles I agree with them because they provide greater freedom, understanding, and the ability to pursue a higher class or position. It also provides more freedom of the people to participate in the government, which thrills me, given that I have struggled with this for years. I feel that overall these will affect France in positive ways, as they will help to satisfy the majority of the population, seeing as the nobles and upper class are the minority, and should bring peace. The only negatives that I can foresee is that the upper class may disagree, and attempt to revert to the old ways, however given that we now have the ability to participate in the government, should not be a major issue. As long as the people remain united, so shall France.

    I particularly agree with a few articles, which seem to have almost been addressed to my social class. Article 1 states that social distinction are only founded for the general good, and that I shall have free and equal rights, as a man, of course. I agree with this article because I have been yearning for this for many years. I now have the ability to gain rank, to move into the higher positions. And for those in my tier, they have the same chances. I also agree with article 6. I agree with this article because it allows me to have a voice among the government, which is what the Bourgeoisie have fought for. I am glad that I do not have to buy a place among the government, and that it is now a right for all the people. And lastly, I agree with the article 17. I agree with this article mainly because it insures that as a property owner my property is not in danger of being removed from my holdings. I have always lived in fear of having my land snached by a greedy noble, because I am lower in rank, but I need no longer fear such things. Therefore I believe that while these are my favorite articles, overall it will only bring improvements to France.

    Bourgeoisie - Sophie Gray

    1. As the rightful Queen of France, I disagree with your statements regarding the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Yes, I see the validness of your points, although it is the King, Queen, and nobles' duties to take action in the government-not those of low societal tiers. It is imperative that the most qualified individuals take positions of authority, just as it is imperative that peasants and workers fulfill their responsibility to support our great state economically. These articles pose a threat to the structure our state has maintained throughout history, and gloss over the eyes of our subjects with the dangerous facade of the right to participate in our government's most crucial matters.
      Marie Antoinette/Camille Simmons

    2. Queen Marie Antoinette/ Zaryaab Shahid

      As Queen Marie Antoinette I also diagree with your ideas on the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as they actually will be more detrimental to France as a nation than beneficial. This is because it will not help unite the citizens of France but a worsening infrastructure and economy due to changes in leadership and laws will cause division and unrest. For example, article 14 where taxes will be collected based off of regions. This would make it so only a few regions benefit and similarly, article 10, which accounts for tolerance of the opinions of citizens will cause the common belief systems and basic foundation of France to be changed and socal division to develop. Overall, it is important to realize when a change is necessary and when it will hurt more than help. This is one of the situations where it is more harmful and therefore causes me, as Queen, to believe that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen should not be implemented.

      Queen Marie Antoinette/ Zaryaab Shahid

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. As queen Marie Antoinette of France I disagree with your opinion on article 6. You are saying that you are not getting enough opinion to spread about how France should be organized and ruled. However, you are helping France with letting us become economically powerful and giving France the strength that it has now. You are an important part of France and without you giving taxes to the government we would be weak and unorganized. I think article 6 is not needed and it is perfect the way it is now, but I do see your opinion on what you think is right and what should be done. Some of the things that you think are right for France is just going to hurt and weaken it more even if it's going to improve your living quality and money. Think about how France is going to be affected by this and where money and power stands.

      Queen Marie Antoinette/ Jacki Tebrejian

  4. I, Queen Marie Antoinette, disagree with many concepts being presented in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. The ideas within this work being published not under the most qualified individuals in France (i.e. me, my husband King Louis, and high-class nobles) are simply unreasonable and conflict with the ideals our great state holds upon our society. For example, this document contains the article stating “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.” This statement is purely wrong, as I myself and my King have been chosen by the almighty power to rule over my subjects. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is attempting to disregard the power of the Church, and push new, conflicting beliefs onto the people of France.
    I fear the worst for my great country with the public’s adoption of this declaration. We have built a strong society upon tiers of social class and duty to sustain the power of the empire. I possess great worry that our populations of low-class individuals, being trusted with the responsibility of labor, may gain the perception that our actions as royals are insignificant to the greater good of the state. In the included statement “A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means,” our countries peasants may combat/resist their taxation, which is vital to the economic stability of France, granting them the misconception that they withhold the power to change the state of France rather than their noble royals. Dangerous ideas such as “Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration,” pose a threat to our empire’s structure, which has survived so long without fail. The public must have trust in their officials, as we are the most qualified to rule France, and with this document, I fear that our French society will doubt the power of the King and Queen, and put it upon themselves to initiate change in the governing aspects of our nation.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Camille Simmons

    1. I have to agree with you since the power of France has given to the First and Second estate because we are pristine and worthy of it. I also fear for the destruction of your social system since it has been what has dominated France for centuries. I would be wrong to tear something that has been placed to build France up through the centuries. France was thriving as an absolute monarchy and since he is in this conflict it would be right to still have the King as absolute ruler.

      King Louis XVI/ Hailey Williams

  5. As a noble of France, I believe that these reforms and the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen has several points that I agree greatly with. I strongly agree with articles like 2 and 5, we should be allowed to live how we want and for the over all prosperity of the state it would be most beneficial if we were left to do so. However, I disagree with articles like 1; for the overall stability of culture and social success in our country, prominent family lines should be upheld and represented even through these new changes. I believe that if we are to strip our family lines of their freedom and social success, then the over all class and wealth of the country will surely decline. I agree with most of these articles, and feel that with the installment, yet modification, of them we will see a boom in economic, social, and political prominence amongst our competing states.

    Nobel/ Elijah Kennard

    1. I disagree that stripping away the nobles' nobility will cause a decline in our country's class and wealth. Our country's class and wealth is certainly great before the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen but I think it will greatly improve after the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. With the implementation of Article 1, France's class will improve compared to other countries because we show humanity and equality instead of slavery, peasantry, injustice, and inequality. We will become the better country. Wealth will increase since everyone will have jobs, pay, and equal tax. More people will contribute to our economy. Isn't it a good thing to have more manpower economically? Therefore, Article 1 is definitely one of the many articles that will bring our country to success.

      Bourgeoisie/Wendy Fang

  6. Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

    As Queen Marie Antoinette I disagree with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen for several reasons. Some articles within this document that make me feel this way include article 3 which states “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. Nobody nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation”. I believe that this is not in the best interest of France due to the lack of unity that would be present with this change. Also, such a radical change in leadership, with citizens in power who have a lack of experience and connections, would make both social and political issues worsen to a great extent. A king and queen work not in the best interest of one person or their family like citizens do, they work in the interest of the whole country. Putting the government into the hands of the people with no party in power would lead to destruction in infrastructure and a farther major decline in the economy. Another article that doesn’t work towards the best interest of France is article 10 “No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law.” This presents a very major flaw because the main idea that helps France thrive is their culture which is very dependent on unity through a similar/same belief system. When more differences come forth in terms of things like religion in France, there will be more division which also works towards weakening infrastructure and France in almost all aspects of the empire. A nation such as our id dependent on culture and the foundation of the current French Empire which is based on the idea of a monarchy and a common religion under the Church.

    Another article that makes my negative stance on the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen strengthen in article 14 which states “All the citizens have a right to decide, either personally or by their representatives, as to the necessity of the public contribution; to grant this freely; to know to what uses it is put; and to fix the proportion, the mode of assessment and collection and the duration of the taxes.” This makes it so each region decides the number of taxes collected and what it is used for. There are many flaws in this idea including that taxes are currently collected in such a way that benefits the entirety of France, not just one area. If we changed to this, our overall economic unity would deteriorate and that leads to division within different regions. All of this causes one thing, weakened infrastructure. Another problem with this idea is that is changes who tax money is given to this, This could lead to less money going to the church which would weaken unity through belief system and the spread of religion, which is the basis of France, and it would also lead to less money to the government meaning that there would be weakened aspects like military. the economy would also be hurt because less money to the nobles meaning that land, and therefore the economy, wouldn’t be as well managed. Due to these reasons and many more, I believe that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen are extremely detrimental to the nation of France and therefore should not be implemented.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Zaryaab Shahid

  7. The Clergy

    The Clergy agrees that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is good for the future of France. We agree with the equality and acceptance of all as one, because it is as God created us to be. Allowing every individual in life the opportunity to become whatever they work hard for in life is a good thing because it gives people the chance to be the best person that they can be in life. For example, in article 1 men are born free and are worthy of equal rights, and the difference in social status is only based off of the good that one has given. This is a valuable way of living because it only gives power to people that are worthy of obtaining it. It allows those that are willing to use their power to help others rather than to use it for their own gain. This will be a positive change made for France’s future because it allows people more opportunities to contribute more, and accept more from society. It will also inspire people to believe in equality because they will accept that no one is below them because of their origin. This will teach people to judge others based off of their worth rather than their origin, which is crucial in God’s teachings. Another example would be how in article 3 principle of all sovereignty resides in the power of the nation, which means that no one is given authority unless it is decided by the nation. This article inspires the idea that we are all as one, and that national unity should be valued. For the future of France, this ideal would help people seek potential from everyone, which can help people learn to work together in discussing important matters rather than arguing.

    Another example would be that in article 2, all political power should only be used towards the liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression for the people. Removing things that involve selfish gain is a move towards a better upbringing because it allows our society to avoid corruption. For the Future of France, this is a smart way to change our government, because it will decrease the amount of sin in the world that leads to large scale destruction. Much like the corruption of rulers and powerful authority figures that abuse their power for their own selfish desires. One more example would be that article 7 supports the clergy’s agreement of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is that no person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except when they have went against the law. This is an important change made to the French government because it allows only those that go against God’s word and deserve to be punished to uphold to the law when they break it. This will make it easier for the clergy when attempting to enforce the church’s guidance upon the people, teaching them that there are consequences to their actions. The impact that this will have on changes made for France would be that it will keep people in check, leading them down the right path.

    The Clergy/Alayna McGuire Period 4

  8. I disagree with these articles because I believe that not everyone should be equal. For example, in article one it says, “that men are born and remain free and equal based on general usefulness” but who/how do we decide general usefulness. As a noble what I do is not seen as “generally useful” to most peasants therefore am I below the people who work on my land? As stated in article ten “no one is to be disquieted”, but is that still true when what they are saying personally attacks your beliefs or ideals. You all say that everyone deserves the right to state their opinions, but this will cause more social unrest and cause more division of peoples. And finally article thirteen, “a common tax is indispensable; it must be assessed equally on all citizens in proportion to their means” this is just crazy. We can not tax people equally, it just won’t work. There needs to be social structure and classes or else everything will become chaos.
    I predict these articles will be the downfall of France. I understand that where we are right now isn’t great, but before all of this revolution and equality craziness due to the enlightenment ideas we were doing fine. People were happy, they had land to work on, food for their families, and they were treated fairly. Now the people of France are just jealous of what we (the nobles) have and they want some of their own power, but they don’t deserve it. If they deserved it the King would have created these articles already.

    Noble / Megan Jensen

    1. Finally, someone who has some sense. There are too many people who support these ideas. I agree to all of your statements. It is atrocious that citizens can consider everyone equal based merely on their usefulness to society, and for people to approve taxes on the higher estates. I agree with your response because it highlights just what this document is - a victory of the outside enlightenment thinkers in their quest to ruin France from within.

      It is important that these ideas do not spread beyond their current state, because France will be disrupted and hurt if they do, and nobody would benefit from the chaos that would ensue.

      Queen Marie Antionette // Sanjay Soni

    2. As a noble as well, I strongely agree with your views on the effects of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen on France. Not everyone is going to be equal, and the commoners should be grateful for what they have and take pride on the work they do for France. They live happy lives and are given protection and land to live on in return. What more do they ask for? These Enlightenment ideas and articles are causing social unrest and will wreak havoc amongst the streets of France. If we do not have social structure, our country will fall apart.

      Noble/Kayla Lee

  9. As a peasant, I completely agree with the articles stated in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. We simply must reform society and provide equal rights and opportunities for all. For example, the sixth article in the declaration states that job opportunities are provided to all citizens based on one’s talents and values. This article would be highly beneficial for me since I could pursue other careers that were only available to the wealthy. Opportunities in life shouldn’t be governed by one’s social standing, which is why I advocate for this article. I also agree with the fourteenth article, as it states that citizens have the ability to regulate, manage, and control the effect and use of the public tax. Before the declaration, we peasants were unfairly taxed by the landlords and government. They were free to leech off of our money to fuel their luxurious lives, which completely goes against good morals and God’s will. This article would help solve that problem; if we control the taxes, then everyone will be satisfied. The eleventh article is also appealing to me, as we peasants must have a voice among the elite and government. Not only shall we be represented as the backbone and lifeblood of France, but we should also have the ability to write speak our opinions, whether others like it or not. Our ideas would help provide reforms for the better of France.

    These articles would bring new hope and light for the French Empire. No more shall the nobles, clergy, and monarchy have full control over our lives. With the declaration, we will be given liberty, property, and security. Corruption in the economy would certainly be eliminated, since money will stop flowing towards the elite for their lavish parties, which don't help the state of France at all. With equality, the elite would also have to pay taxes, just like us peasants. People in the third estate will now have enough money to provide for their families, and maybe enjoy the same luxuries as the second and first estates. Corruption within the government will also be eliminated, since the articles would prevent the monarchy from having full control over the empire to supply their regal lifestyles. No longer will we have to be beggars and criminals just to survive, as the articles would provide protection and wealth for all. I hope that the declaration will bring peace and prosperity, and long live the French Empire!

    Peasants/Urban Workers - Ashton Chang

    1. Firstly, I must say that I am myself have become excited from the absolute fervor you have emanated within your statement. While, I may not agree with the majority of your fervor against the upholding of rightful social class, your excitement illustrates the amount of peace and prosperity possible to uphold with the acceptance of this declaration. However, I must deter your prospect of anti-party views as they hold a special place within the noble and royal standards of the state. Without these parties, oh how unlikely the head of state would be able to maintain a balance. With this, I leave you with the utmost sentiment as well as time to think over your view on parties.

      Queen Marie Antoinette/ Dylan Que

    2. Also being a peasant of France, I completely agree with your statements. Especially your points regarding increased taxation and voice in society. By giving more opportunity to us in the third estate, since we occupy such a large portion of France's population, great benefit can be achieved. Our contribution of many beneficial ideas could help strengthen France as a whole. This could not be achieved without this declaration giving everyone freedom of speech and expression. I also agree that limitations on the first and second estate's control over French society and economy will help improve France. I also think that promoting more equality in society will help unify all three estates, since the way society is now, us in the third estate aren't very happy. All of these reforms within the declaration will lead to great benefit and eventual increase of power for the French empire.

  10. As King Louis XVI, I have a huge problem with the very first article of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. As the king, I am granted by divine right to be the one to rule, therefore, there is no way that all men are born equal because there is no doubt that I am born above common man. Additionally, there is a problem with article 5. Some people stand as more important than the commoners or third estate, therefore some laws must be put in place to benefit those above the commoners, If the higher class are properly cared for, it will take care of the society as a whole anyway.

    Another largely detrimental addition to this 'Rights of man and citizen' is article 10. Since I stand with divine right to rule under god, those who differ from belief in our god stand against me, and in turn our state. Therefore, they should be disquieted for their religious standing. Article 11, also allows for treacherous people of malicious intent to spread ideals that will taint our society. Lastly, article 14 is foolish, due to the fact that running a nation is a very stressful job, extra taxes must be withdrawn to take care of nobles, despite whining from the third estate.

    -King Louis XVI/ Donovan Ward

    1. I agree so very much with you, The Declaration of Rights Of Man and Citizen is just completely ridiculous, and its painful to see all these peasants that agree so very much with it. Not all men are equal and that is simply how our society was set up and that is how it shall stay. A king and a peasant are much too different in the eyes of god to be counted as equal. I hope these peasants will soon learn how to respect their kings and queens because that is what they should be doing now not creating this...declaration.
      Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. As a peasant, I strongly agree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and believe that it will improve the future of France. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen will give our class rights that we never had before. Our class was always mistreated the most and we were never able to gain stable jobs or a financial state. With the new declaration, the peasant class would be given freedom, opportunities and the ability to have and share an opinion. For an example, article 1 proves that even the second or first estate has to have the same rights as our class. Previously, they were above us and we had to suffer for their success. However, with the new amendment we can finally have the same freedom and rights. They can no longer tax us without reason and control us. In addition, article 6 will also allow us to have the opportunities that the higher estates get. It states that every citizen has a right to participate, regardless of status. We can finally have stable jobs that we did not even have a chance of getting prior to this declaration. The jobs that paid well were always reserved for the upper classes. Now, jobs are based off of skill, which gives our class a huge chance at a new life.

    Nonetheless, peasants also never had a voice. They were constantly ignored. However, article 10 states, “No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions”. This amendment will give our class that voice we lost for so long. Therefore, our class will be able to have an influence in decisions made to the French society. With all these changes, France would drastically change in social structure. Some peasants will move up social classes because they are more skilled and fitting for the merit system. In addition, the amount of peasants in poverty would change because of the new opportunities and jobs that would open from the declaration. And along with the new financial stability, peasants would stop being ignored and speak up for what they believe is best for France. The peasant class would not carry the two higher estates as much and power/freedom would be distributed more evenly.

    Peasant/ Irene Cho

    1. I completely disagree with you on everything that you just said, in what world would this ever be good for France? The more peasants move up social classes the more farmers we lose, and then where would all the food come from? It makes absolutely no sense to say all men are equal because everything that King Louis and I have tried so hard to come up with will just fall apart and that's not what we want because we want the best for France. I believe that you peasants have to open our eyes and stop thinking about this Enlightenment ideas.

    2. Edit:
      I completely disagree with you on everything that you just said, in what world would this ever be good for France? The more peasants move up social classes the more farmers we lose, and then where would all the food come from? It makes absolutely no sense to say all men are equal because everything that King Louis and I have tried so hard to come up with will just fall apart and that's not what we want because we want the best for France. I believe that you peasants have to open our eyes and stop thinking about this Enlightenment ideas.
      Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

  13. As your queen, Marie Antoinette, I find it disgraceful that such a thing could have been made, it is absolutely repulsing in every way possible. These articles are nothing but the peasant’s obsession with this Enlightenment, which I have stated before is pure evil. With these articles you forget god, I mean article 1 which states that men are equal is simply obtuse. All men are not equal, because a King and a peasant are not the same in any way possible. A king is chosen by god and is a godly man, a peasant is none of these things so in what world can they be equal? And this isn’t the only one ridiculous article, article 14 states that the amount of public contribution is decided by the citizen! How will a government improve and grow and move forward if these peasants decide how much they want to contribute, the next thing you know they’ll make everyone including the nobles pay taxes since “men are equal.” This isn’t right, as your rulers and nobles we give you a place to call home and you give back to us with taxes. THIS IS FAIR. Anything else is just unspeakable. The most outrageous of them all would be article 17 which says that everyone has a right to own land! How would this be beneficial to anyone! Owning land means power and the nobles have more power than the peasants so the peasants owning a land would not make any sense whatsoever. This “declaration of the rights of man” just makes my blood boil.

    More importantly this will not help France improve at all, and as your queen this is what this is all about: helping France improve and become the best of all empires. This declaration changes the whole social structure of France and it will leave everyone thinking that they have power! This will lead to so much chaos! It completely scares me. I mean, imagine living in a world where peasants that are criminals will be able to run free “because there is no proof that they are criminals.” Every place needs structure and there is no structure if all people are equal and there’s no social classes. Who will do the peasant work then? Surely the peasants will no longer be able to do this now that they live a free and equal life. Everyone will want to have good jobs and who will have the bad jobs? I worry for the future of France very much, I just hope that all goes well and people will discover that everything that’s going on is wrong and will destroy us all.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/Nathalia Rios

    1. Peasant /Urban Worker -- Wintana Araya
      I disagree with your claim. The Declaration of Man and Citizen was something that will help the French society. You are claiming it’s disgraceful that we came up with a document that could unify France altogether. But in reality, you and King Louis XIV were taking away our money and put it to use in despicable ways. With all of your extravagant partied and the lack of lovingness you gave to the public. We had to come together in order to try to fix something that the government would not take initiative to fix and what does that say? Yes, the goal is to make sure France is on top of the rest of the other countries around, but we have to fix what is going on inside our country than to go meddle with other international affairs. That would just make us look weak and unorganized. To become powerful, you have to maintain the citizens and their rights or else, France will fall on its own.

    2. As King Louis XVI, I agree with the disapproval of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The first article of the declaration displays a disconnect of power one should hold and one wants to hold. The Ancien Regime clearly shows how society should be structured with the peasants in the lowest estate, nobles being the second estate, and the clergy being the first estate. These estates were created to place the people in their deserved positions. For example, the first estate serve God and the second estate collect the taxes, so they should not have the right to pay an equal amount of tax to the third estate peasants. This displays that men are clearly not created equal, and there is nothing wrong with that. I also disagree with the fourteenth article because it correlates with the first one. As the king, I should be the only one to make contributions and the public should not have representatives. After all, I have the right to hold the immense power because I was chosen by God. Finally, article seventeen contradicts the purpose of the nobles. Referring back to the Ancien Regime, the third estate should not have the right to own land because that is the second estate's duty. With the amount of social and political power the people hold in the Declaration of the Rights of Man, monarchy and order will fall.

      -King Louis XVI/Elouise Nicole Vasquez

  14. As Queen Marie Antoinette of France, I disagree with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen for many reasons. An article that makes me feel this way is 13 which states "For the maintenance of the public force and the for the expenses of administration a common tax is indispensable; it must be assessed equally on all citizens in proportion to their means." This means that each region would be able to choose the amount of tax that is going to be taken and where the money is going to be going to. This is going to affect France because the way that tax is being distributed now is organized and it does not just benefit one part of France, it benefits all of it. So having this rule is going to change and affect the economy and all parts of France which can bring it down. This would lead to the church, the government not getting enough money and if that’s happened the economic system can weaken because the church is a big part of France, as well as the government so if they don't get enough money then things can go downhill from there. Another example as to why I completely disagree with the declaration of rights and man and citizen is on article 3 which states "The source of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation; no group, no individual may exercise authority not emanating expressly therefrom." I think that this would affect France greatly, My husband (king Louis) and I have been chosen for a reason and if this changed then France and the way that it is while I am in power will change and this is going to weaken France. Having others in power that don't have enough experience like I do is going to make France worse as well as the economic and political systems that we have that keep France together.

    Another Article that I think won't work with improving France is article 10 which states " No one is to be disquieted because of his opinions, even religious, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law." I think that if this happens France it’s going to affect the social system that is placed and make everything out of place and unorganized which can make France full of chaos. I don't think that everyone should be equal because then that means that I, the queen of France would have to be as equal as the other citizens that live in France and I don't think that’s right. Having this law is going to make France weak and cause a disturbance in social classes and the estates. Overall, the rules that are set in France are keeping it organized and it is keeping things from starting chaos which I don't want to happen and the declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is going to make France lose their strength and lose money if we take this path.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/ Jacki Tebrejian


  15. As a noble of France, I mostly agree with these reforms and I believe that they are better than the policies of our last government. For example, the 17th article that states “Since property is an inviolable and sacred right, no one shall be deprived thereof except where public necessity, legally determined, shall clearly demand it, and then only on condition that the owner shall have been previously and equitably indemnified” allow us nobles to keep our property safe and secure and prevent the government from stealing the people’s property that we worked hard for to meet their needs. However, there are few articles that I don’t agree with such as the 1st article, which states that “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good”. As I said on my earlier blog post, the first two estates should maintain their superiority above the third estate, as we are the ones who take care of them. Since I’m providing the land and protection for their family, I believe that I should be excused from things like taxes and have more rights than the third estate.

    Overall, however, these articles will most likely have a positive effect on France due to the articles on freedom of speech such as the 10th article which states “No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law”. These rights will prevent leaders from oppressing our beliefs and ideals. The declaration could result in more positive reforms and changes as the people of France now have power to demand what we need and make France a politically stable state.

    Noble / Ryan Lee

    1. I agree with you on the fact that the declaration will help to strengthen and unite France as a whole. The seventeenth and tenth articles in the declaration will certainly have a profound effect on the power of the government. It’s unfair that the monarchy can simply take what they want, whenever they want, so the seventeenth article will help to secure one’s right to own property. It’s also unfair that the government can turn a blind eye and ignore our requests for reform, so the tenth gives the people the right to freely express their opinions for the better of France. This will ultimately make France a much more civilized nation among the other European powers. We must ensure that the power of the government is in check and that we, nobles and peasants, have a say in national matters.

      Peasants/Urban Workers - Ashton Chang

  16. Being the very poor and unfortunate peasant that I am, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is exactly what I’m looking for in my breadless life. These articles make my hopeless life more hopeful in which I will be able to do more, perhaps even as many things as the nobles can, without actually being a noble. Such articles such as being able to have free communication without being persecuted in any way for my own opinion. For too long have the nobles and upper estates been trying to cover our own opinions and restrict our own thoughts, better communication among the estates could lead to a more harmonious and peaceful France where everyone can share their opinions and thoughts peacefully. Restricting views and not allowing religious tolerance separates our nation rather than making it whole. I also strongly agree with article 6 in which all citizens should be able to participate in the government and be judged based on their abilities rather than noble birth. Only allowing nobles to obtain such positions allows for greater corruption rather than those who truly have the best interest of France in mind.

    I am greatly happy with the articles and declaration and have high hopes that this would allow France to be more united rather than always separated by a large wall between those in the first and third estates.

    Peasant / Brandy Arriaga

  17. Peasant /Urban Worker -- Wintana Araya

    As a peasant, I completely agree with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen because it is able to give us more political freedom. It also establishes the outlook France would have; like looking through a different perspective. Due to the social organization and the government, the men of the third estate weren’t able to possess the same rights that the men of the 2nd and 1st estate maintain. Peasants also should be able to voice their opinions no matter what the circumstances are. Everyone should have the ability to express them in order to help society and stand your ground. In the Declaration of Rights of man and Citizen, Article 1: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights; social distinctions may be based only upon general usefulness”, This article states how men should have equal rights in order to be successful in society. Before this document, men from different social classes were treated differently based on their wealth and their social status. But now, men can’t argue about fact that they are on the same level. peasants were always looked down upon but based on the Declaration of Rights of man and Citizen, Article 10 states “No one is to be disquieted because of his opinions, even religious, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law”. This article is stating how our class is able to influence the government and the help the French society, bettering it for the long run.

    Peasants were also just given the lower jobs and were never thought of as the major contributor in society. Things like owning land and having better jobs did not apply to them until now. Article 6 states, “law is the expression of general will”. This means that people from not only the 1st and 2nd estate could have an opportunity to peruse their passion, but the peasants could also too. Everyone has huge dreams and expectations in life that would make life more meaningful to us instead of working our lives away. As a peasant, Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was able to benefit those in the 3rd estate because we are able to have our voices heard loud and clear. No one would be able to put the peasants down in any shape or form because at the end of the day, all men were created equally, no matter what economic or social class you’re in.

  18. As King Louis XVI, I heavily disagree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. For example, article three states that the people hold the power of France. I disagree with this article because it contradicts with the divine right of kings. I, as the king of France, should hold all of the power of France and be the one to make the decisions because God chose me to. The second article I oppose to is the thirteenth, which states that all citizens should pay an equal amount of tax. I disagree with this article because of the structure of the Ancien Regime. The third estate has always been the one to pay the taxes while the first and second estate do not due to the contributions they already make. The clergy has helped the people strengthen their morale and belief while the nobles offer their peasants protection and collect the taxes. With this, they should not pay taxes with the third estate peasants. Finally, article six states that the people should participate in politics. As France has been an absolute monarchy since the Early Modern Period, it must continue with that type of government. I was given by God more power than the people, so it should make sense that I should be the only one to make decisions, such as reforms and laws, of our empire. The people, especially the third estate, should not have the right to vote because it threatens my deserved power.

    Though, since I was under pressure by the people, I had to sign the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen despite my disagreements with it. With this declaration in place, I fear for the upcoming changes in France. First, the third estate, since they are the majority of the population, will have more power and participation in the government which leads to the fall of monarchy. This means that I may either be forcibly put out of power by the people. The second change of this declaration is that the Ancien Regime will be put to an end. Since everyone has an equal amount of power over France in terms of politics and taxes, there is no use for the three estates because all will be distributed equally. The last change I predict is that the people will have more freedom in expression and ideals in contrast to the oppressive environment they were subjected to. Overall, the Declaration of the Rights of Man gives independence to the people of France and contributes to the fall of absolute monarchy.

    -King Louis XVI/Elouise Nicole Vasquez

    1. As a Peasant, I completely disagree with the points you are trying to get across here in your statement. To begin with, I don't understand your disappointment in charging all three Estates when it comes to taxes. Charging all with taxes rather than just us down in the lower class would result in more money coming into France to overall benefit France, and essentially pull France out of debt. Furthermore, despite this document providing more rights to the people like me, who were once living with little to no rights and freedom, this factor does not threaten yours or the nobility's rights and freedom as well. It's simply equality for all. The majority of the population (98% of the population it to be exact) deserves the right to have a voice. You are right, however, when stating that, if you didn't sign the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, you would be facing great conflict with the Third Estate. We are a majority of the population, and a force to be reckoned with. The fall of absolute monarchy, specifically the fall of you and Queen Marie Antoinette, will start a new time for France, in which power is not simply given to one leader, but rather distributed within the peoples of France and transforming into a representative government as a whole. It is for the greater good, whether you seem to accept it or not. People like me will begin to see a brighter side, and we will fight to receive what we deserve.

      Peasant, Urban Worker/Abigail Daniel

  19. To the full extent that I agree with the articles presented to me, I concur with the aims towards a state that is kept under control financially as well as internally. Frankly speaking, the most dependable articles under this document for finance-sake are twelfth and thirteenth. With these two articles, I agree with their clear sympathizing with the state's financial crisis as well as well as internal. The thirteenth's requirements of running state labelled as "essential" strikes a cord for the "state's" sufficient and "personal" needs. With the following of the funding of the American Revolution being left unsolved, this article may as well come running straight from the peasantry, as all that is asked of them will be fulfilled to the fullest. As, of course, the state must also occupy itself, it may as well utilize these funds to satisfy the needs of the royalty. However, the qualities of the twelfth should not be overlooked as it deals with the upholding of the protection of the French state as well as its people. While I do believe that security should be secured in proportion to the importance of one of the French, I am willing to part from this belief for the betterment of all the French peoples. My hopes in accepting these articles are filled with the belief they do not hinder the function of the state.

    With the most important articles concurrently accounted for, let us allocate our attention to the most important for the peasantry and the state. The fourteenth article is surely the most likely to please the peasantry as a whole, and should, in all honesty, benefit the whole French state. Allowing the voting to become accounted for by citizen of France, should appease them. Since the primary complaint presented as a whole in the face of the rebuilding of the French tax system is the "representation" in which votes were accounted during the Estates-General Meeting, the fourteenth article will address this issue in its fullest. Truthfully, the Estates-General Meeting bore no fruit. If these articles were to pass, these multiple issues would be addressed with the highest possible regard as to quench all involved.

    Queen Marie Antoinette/ Dylan Que

  20. I am your Queen, Marie Antionette, and these documents are clearly a sign that France is being threatened.

    Citizens, I disagree with almost every statement within this document, including the fact that is a necessary step towards the future of France, and including its very existence. I disagree so strongly because this document is clearly a fragment of the outside Enlightenment thinkers and should be seen as a threat from outsiders who are attempting to seize control and exploit France from within. There are three specific parts that are absolutely atrocious.

    First, Article 11 suggests that the free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man, and allows every citizen to speak, write, and print with freedom. We can see the effects of this right now! As enlightenment ideas spread, they infect the minds of everyone within the third estate, creating turmoil and chaos. Look at the state of France! It is in ruins! Clearly, the article will create future chaos as threatening ideas spread within the people of France and continue to cause turmoil.

    Second, Article 17 states that property is an inviolable and sacred right. This statement is utterly false, and should not be considered true by anyone. Property is a right only to the higher estates, for property is limited and should be placed in the hands of only the most capable of people. It is impossible to allow everyone to have property, for there simply isn't enough to keep everyone happy. Keeping property ownership confined to the higher estates will prevent problems from arising within France.

    Third, Article 4, the worst of them all, suggests that everyone is free to do whatever they may as long as other members enjoy the same rights. This cannot be true. Some people are inherently superior over others, including me and the king. Each person is not to be considered equal, and is not to have the same rights.

    These three articles will completely disrupt the current state of France, for the worse. Existing powers will be threatened, but will survive. And most importantly, the ideas and revolutionary spirits brought out through these ideas will cause chaos without reward.

    Marie Antionette // Sanjay Soni

    1. My Queen, I find myself in near complete agreement with your dismay towards the documents. Especially the three you pointed out specifically, such as article 11. Such freedoms would most definitely bring chaos and sin into France, more than there already unfortunately is. I sincerely hope the King and you will be able to bring order and holiness back into France. May God bless you and the King.

      Clergy / Eric Mildenhall

  21. Being a peasant in French society, I completely agree with the content within the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. I feel like this declaration will bring great benefit and power to France, not only economically, but also socially and politically. The first statement of the declaration talks about the equality of all citizens of France, and people should only be classified based on their social contribution. This would be very beneficial to those in the third estate. The third estate makes up over 97% of France’s population, meaning it includes people like peasants, but also people like doctors and scientists. This reform in the declaration gives third estate members a greater voice in society and grants them more opportunity to contribute to overall benefit France as a whole with their actions. I also strongly agree with the third statement. This statement talks about the removal of supreme political power within France, as well as the reign of different social groups in society. This change in French society will help strengthen France as an empire, since it will lead to more social unification. Along with statement one, this also creates less social division. With more peace between the three estates, and the overall unification of the people of France, France will grow in power as a result.

    Statement eleven talks about the freedom of expression within France. Every citizen can spread whatever ideas or opinions they want freely without harm to France. This also benefits the third estate, as well as France as a whole, because it is another way for everyone in society to be given a voice. People like doctors and economists can finally voice their contribution to France, which could greatly benefit it. More contributions to the power of France will help the empire grow and strengthen as a whole. Lastly, I very strongly agree with the statement thirteen. Statement thirteen talks about a mandatory tax being placed on all French citizens. By imposing this tax on everyone, not just the third estate, who are less wealthy than the rest of France, the government will have a greater income, especially being from wealthier people. This will lead to the overall flourishing of the French economy, as well as creating less social disunity, since the previous taxation policies greatly favored the wealthier estates. The depressed state of France’s economy improving and society being more unified will overall lead to a great increase of power for France. Overall, I feel like these reforms brought in the declaration will greatly benefit France. They will help lead to more social unification, with the increased role of the third estate in society, a flourishing economy through increased taxation, as well as increased opportunities for the people of France to help contribute to the increase in power as a whole. By helping recover France’s weakened economy and society, France could put more focus on other things, like expansion, military, etc. to further strengthen the empire. I believe that great, positive changes will come to France with the addition of this declaration.

    Peasant/Urban Worker/Patrick Broderick

    1. As Queen Marie Antoinette, I disagree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. While possibly seeming appealing over paper, the Declaration can lead to many consequences which can pose large consequences for France. Within the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, many articles insist on changing governmental practices. These include democratic based election of representatives. This large change can possibly impose negative economic conditions onto France which is very dangerous at the current moment and can pose consequential for France. As a monarch, I have devoted to serve France and to continue its legacy for years. As a whole, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen poses a risk which can dramatically change our nation and can lead to unintentional consequences.

      Queen Marie Antoinette/Joel Rosenman

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. As a man of God who is apart of the Clergy, I must say I find myself rather split on these new articles. On one hand, many of the articles will now allow people to live better lives as they are freer to do what they please. On the other hand, all these changes and new freedoms granted to the people can and will lead to sin, which is something the Church condemns completely. Overall, as a part of the Clergy, I must say I am leaning towards disagreeing with most of the articles presented in the Declaration. But, my personal beliefs and loyalty to God and his teachings do lead me to agree with some of the articles given.

    One such article I disagree with is article 10. It states that “No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law.” This is horrible for the Clergy and its ability to maintain order, as one who holds radical views that are completely different from the Church’s should not be allowed to speak their mind, as this causes thoughts of sin as well as general chaos between them and the other members of the Church.

    Another article I disagree with is article 11 which states “The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.” Similar to my quarrels with article 10, I believe that too much freedom of expression leads to chaos and an increase in sinful thoughts as people attempt to delve into topics they cannot comprehend properly without the guidance of the Clergy.

    As I have stated previously, I do not disagree with all of the articles presented. One such article that I agree with is article 9 which states “As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoner’s person shall be severely repressed by law.” This article protects the holy followers of our Lord if they may be accused of a crime they did not commit. It also allows for the sinner who would commit such a vile act to be found and put to justice.

    Overall, I predict that these articles will affect change in France in a very mixed way. This is due to my perspective as a man of the Clergy. Some articles will allow everyone in France to have a much higher quality of life due to their new freedoms as long as they use their new freedoms in moderation as to prevent sin. On the other hand, some articles are simply begging to allow sinners and naysayers of the Church and Clergy to gain power and cause chaos in our country.

    Clergy / Eric Mildenhall

  24. As a peasant, I greatly agree and support with the concepts presented within this document. Finally, I see something that may be a step towards myself and others like me being represented and given both rights and opportunities within this cruel nation. There are many examples within this document that give me such hope. For example, the very first article of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is, "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good." This being the first article to be stated within the entirety of the document gives more hope than anything else. It shows that there is finally genuine action being taken to progress to having the members of the First, Second, and Third Estates being treated equally. This document also addresses the biggest problem our Estate faced: taxes. Article 13 states, "A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means." This is stating that taxes must be distributed among everyone, and in proportion based on ability to pay. Meaning, not only will we not have to pay all taxes for France, but we will also considered and taken into account when assigning the price, based on our living status. We will be taxed what we can pay. This makes the Third Estate elated. We will not have to be pressured to holding France on our backs with rarely anything to sustain our own lives.

    With this document now in place, I see change in the future of France. Conflict between the First and Second Estate seems quite likely, in all honesty. They don't want to see people within our estate succeed or take anything from them for our own benefit. They want to brush us along. However, we won't allow this. Now, with this document in place, we have set our own rules and laws, that not only benefit our class, but benefits all. This declaration doesn't give an unbalance of power, in which certain estates are given more rights or better treatment. Rather, this declaration promotes equality for all, regardless of class. The Declaration even goes into the specifics of our equality. For example, Article 11 states, "The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law." This entire article ensures that, as a citizen of France, and despite my placement within the class system, I am allowed to exercise my freedom of speech regardless of what the higher classes may say. It promotes freedom and justice for all men, and promises a step forward for people like me within France. France will be seeing change as time goes on, in a completely beneficial way for all.

    Peasant, Urban Worker/Abigail Daniel

    1. As a noble, I strongly disagree with supporting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The main reason why I disagree is because the declaration would lead to an increased amount of revolts and rebellions against the crown. This would be terribly harmful to the French empire because the social harmony would be disturbed as well as economic stability. On top of that, granting everybody rights is incredibly risky, as granting power to the wrong people could lead to serious corruption. Taxing everybody in the empire in proportion could be harmful as well, as those who are poorer will be unable to contribute to the empire. This supports my disagreement with article 1 as well because if they are socially useless, then they are certainly almost deprived of their rights.

      Shirley Jiang, noble

  25. As a bourgeoisie, I strongly agree with these articles because I finally will be able to climb the ranks with my own hands and not by my birth. For example, Article 1 states that men are born and remain free and equal in rights. This proves that I no longer have to be inferior to the noble that have been using my Third Estate people as stepping stones. The unfairness I have experienced is now the past because I will be able to have a political office and title without buying it as well as getting better jobs that would usually be reserved for the nobles as Article 6 gives me the right to do so. Another important article that I agree with is Article 13 because everyone pays taxes now. The Third Estate used to pay all the taxes to the government, while the nobles and the clergy were born without the need to pay taxes. Now that we don’t have to pay as much taxes and I get to earn better occupations and pay, my financial life has never been better. In conclusion, I am grateful that Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was passed. It has served me the justice I have always dreamed of.

    I predict the articles will affect the social, cultural, economic, military, and political change in France. Since everyone is equal and no one has authority over another as stated in Article 3, the social classes that existed will inevitably change and become something more better. This will then change our people’s culture and lives in general because there will be no more lives determined by their birth. The economy will become more stable as everyone has opportunities to earn their pay and everyone paying taxes will lead to a better military from the increase of funding. Politics will greatly improve now that there are more people able to contribute to the government, meaning there will be more ideas and opinions made. The Third Estates people will live happier lives and have more peace, no more rebellion will be coming from us.

    Bourgeoisie/Wendy Fang

  26. As a French noble, I mostly disagree with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen and what it represents. There are certain document that I agree with, but I mostly do not believe in what the Declaration of Right of Man and Citizen stands for. I agree with certain articles such as article 7, which says that ”no person should be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by the law,” and article 8 which says “the law shall provide for such punishments only as are strictly and obviously necessary.” I think these two articles truly defend the rights of man because it reflects the morals of humanity. However, I don’t agree with articles that seem to force socialist ideas on to France’s social system. Why should us nobles have our standards and rights stripped down to accommodate the lower class? For instance, Article 6 states that “[Law] must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.” Why should we have to be equal to the commoners who do not have the same education and knowledge as the 2nd estate? Another article that I strongly disagree with is article 17, which says that “property is an inviolable and sacred right, no one shall be deprived thereof.” I don’t agree with this article since the power of us nobles come from our ability to own land. If everyone is allowed to own land/property including commoners, what will separate us from the peasants? Our class system works perfectly just the way it is, and I don’t believe that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen will do anything for us except for strip us of our rights and distribute them to the commoners, making the 1st and 2nd estate just like everyone else. At this point, why not just make our King and Queen commoners as well? It simply doesn’t make sense.

    These articles will change France drastically. The Declaration of Right of Man and Citizen reflect Enlightenment ideas, which in turn put less emphasis on religion and more on freedom and individuality. With less emphasis on religion, the commoners will not listen to our clergy as much, and with more individual freedom, the commoners will also not need as much protection from us nobles as they will start to be able to provide for themselves. With all these changes so quickly, our society will be quick to fall apart in chaos and disorder. As a noble, I am against the passing of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen.

    Noble/Kayla Lee

    1. As a member of the Clergy, I have to agree with you. Through the freedom of people being able to spread and express their opinions, Enlightenment ideals and sin will also be spread. The Clergy will struggle to maintain order if the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, putting not only us, but the rest of France in despair, chaos, and unholiness. The higher classes shouldn't have to suffer to accommodate the lower class if it quite simply will corrupt them.

      -The Clergy/Mai Mason

  27. Speaking as a holy member of the Clergy, I cannot clearly say whether I completely agree or disagree with this declaration. On one hand, there are things that the clergy does approve of and think will be for the greater good of France and our people; however, with all good in this declaration there is also the bad, the articles that have the opportunity to allow people to dive into sin if we are not careful. God knows I, and other Clergy members, want the people of France to live better, happier lives where they don't have to be as restricted as they are now.. But I personally must disagree with the articles for they can lead to sin and rebellion against God’s teachings and wisdom.
    An article I found myself agreeing with would be article 1. Through this article, our men could be free and equal, the way God has created us to be. Of course, the social classes stay, but in order to improve upon France, all men are to remain free and equal in rights. Moving onto the articles the Clergy had a bit of an issue with, 10 and 11 were just downright sinful. Article 10 states that “no one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including religious views..” If we allow people to follow through with other religions and opinions, corruption will quickly spread against the name of our God, making us unholy. This follows suit with the Clergy's thoughts on article 11 as well. With the ability to freely express one's beliefs, this could quickly cause chaos and the spread of sinful thoughts. Overall, these two articles are bad for the church, and can cause disturbance due to our lack to maintain law and order if these articles are set in stone.

    -The Clergy/Mai Mason

  28. As a noble, I do not agree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. As an example, the declaration claims, Article 2 claims that "The aim of every political association is the preservation of natural and inalienable rights of man; these rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression". This could have a detrimental effect on the economy of France, because if every citizen were guaranteed property, then it would surely have a negative impact on our economy. Resistance to oppression could lead to serious internal conflicts which could lead to the downfall of the French empire. On top of that, article 3 says, "The guarantee of the rights of man and citizen necessitates a public force; therefore, is instituted for the advantage of all and not for the particular benefit of those to whom it is entrusted". A public force would mean that it would require many revolts and uprisings, which could throw France from its balance. It is central that there is social harmony and unification in order for a stable empire. If anyone were to be entrusted with rights, it would easily corrupt them as well.

    Article 16 also claims, "Every society in which the guarantee of rights is not assured or the separation of powers not determined has no constitution at all". I disagree with this article because a state that has absolute power usually thrive and conquer most other empires. There may be a group of advisors for the ruler, but when most of the power resides in one figure then the empire is most likely to be more stable than others that have separated powers, leading to competition and social, economic, and political instability. I predict that these will likely have a negative impact on France, as the declaration may inspire people to rise and challenge the upper estates and authority figures. This has been the cause of decline for numerous empires in the past, so having revolts could be anything but beneficial for the empire.

    Shirley Jiang, noble

  29. I Queen Marie Antoinette, strongly disagree with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. As a whole, many articles within the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen contain statements which would strongly negatively impact our nation. For example, “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. Nobody nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.” This is a claim made within the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. If this was to occur in our society, there would be a power struggle within France due to the change in leaders and lack of support and resources to allow for such a rapid and unprepared change. Moving forward, such a change in power goes against our values and the loss of important political figures and the monarchy would pose not only a threat to our social and political makeup of our nation, but will also greatly impact the economical aspect of our nation. With a power struggle, there would be no organization of our economical resources and this would lead to a decline in trade. As a whole, our country would face many consequences, and it is in the best interest my people to avoid such a dangerous occurrence.

    Continuing to go throught the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, article 14 brings up a very interesting term. Within article 14, is a claim which discusses how citizens have a right to decide and elect their representatives essentially. While sounding very beneficial for the people o France, it had very many cons which can impact France tremendously. Moving forward, like mentioned previously, extreme change will cause economic struggle. In our current position, it is favorable that we avoid this possibility at all costs. As a whole, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are dangerous for France. They can essentially either make or break our nations. France is a prosperous empire, as it is our goal to avoid any dangerous events which can consequently lead to our fall.

  30. As Louis XVI I can say that I am heavily against the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. French has been an absolute monarchy for some time now and to disrupt what had been placed by God himself is offensive I was elected by God used the Divine Right of Kings, this completely contradicts that because it says that all people should hold some power. I love my empire and deserve to rule as the complete ruler. The third estate should not have a say when it comes to voting. They are too naive to understand and contribute to something so important to France. It also says that that taxes would be distributed evenly across the three estates. I completely am against that for the second and first estates should not have to pay taxes we give the peasants food and a place to rest that is just offensive to look past what we have given them. Plus the church collects some of the taxes because they improve the citizens moral and relationship with God, they should not be able to pay taxes, yet the Declaration says they should.

    For being forced to sign such a declaration, I fear for the changes that are going to occur. Frances power will distribute to the complete population, third estate takes up 95% of France’s population already, the power that the first and second estates basically seem like they will vanish as well as the monarchy. I also fear the taxes that must be paid by everyone and the voting that every male has power to, this would lead to the tearing of the social classes that have been placed in France since the Early Modern Period.

    King Louis XVI/ Hailey Williams


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